
My bike was stolen, is there anything I can do to improve my chances of it being found?

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My bike was stolen from outside the public library. It was locked with one of those U-shaped bike-locks, and I think the thief managed to yank out one of the U-ends to steal it.

This wasn't a super-quality bike, but it did cost a couple hundred bucks back when my parents bought it for my fifteenth birthday (I'm a college student now).

So obviously, it had more of a sentimental and useful value (it was my only means of transport) than actual monetary value.

Anyway, I need some advice. I reported the theft to the library security guy, and also filed a report with the police.

I know the chances of seeing this bike ever again are slim, but could you tell me if there's anything more I could do?





  1. I've had 3 bikes stolen, so I know the feeling.  It sucks.  But, you've done everything you can do.  The bike is gone.  Time to check the want ads for another bike.

    For your next bike, I'd recommend buying something that looks beat to h**l, but still is fully functional for your needs.  That's the route that  I eventually went.  When a thief sees a sparkling & shiny bike in the bike rack,  it's a target.  But a bike  with scratches, dirt and  worn out tires isn't as desireable to a thief.

  2. You could have registered your bike with your local police department when your parents bought it.  Keep that in mind for future reference in case your next bike gets stolen.  I hope you're able to get it back.  I assume they have that type of program in your town or city. Good Luck!

  3. sorry,

    be more careful

    people steal at ease today

    it could be worse/

    be thankful you can replace it


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