
My bio teacher is a man and woman! they scare me what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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So help me... I get really creeped out and can't focus. Any suggestions?




  1. Just try and stay at the other end of the room from them it will be ok

  2. Tell another person at your school. you can use this website to do it anymously:

    this place it really awesome


    if my last name is smith u can call me smith

    then if he/she correct you can say


    or mr.smith

    you will know what to call "it" and you can maybe not feel so awcward

  3. You mean yours is a hermaphrodite or you have two different teachers in the same class? Either way just treat everyone equally or the way you would want to be treated. Call them by their last name like every other teacher on the planet.

  4. just call your teacher, teacher

  5. I would call the principle and ask him what it is..

  6. That sounds interesting.

    It sounds like what your teacher is going through is gender dysphoria, which is a breakdown of sorts relating to gender identity.

    Go with "Mr" for a while, but also ask if "Ms." is appropriate on certain days. You may end up with a teacher that will eventually be "Ms X" instead of "Mr X," but that is his decision and not yours.

  7. Ask him/her what they would prefer to be adressed as (Ms. or Mr.). Other than that you're basically just going to have to tough out the awkwardness, unless you tell your parents or guidance counselors that being around him/her makes you very uncomfortable and disrupts your ability to learn in this class and they might switch you to a different class, good luck.

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