
My biological clock is ticking!~~I'm only 20!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there, I'm sure I'm not alone here, I'm only 20 and I thinka botu having babies ALLLL the time!!!! I know finacially I'm not ready, but really, is anyone EVER really ready for their first child??? OR does it kinda just fall on their lap and you play the cards. I have had like 10 friends from school have babies this yr and it's making me crazy!!!

What do I do to get ahold of myself and control my freakin horomones? I get really upset everytime I get my period... and I do things that might INCREASE my chances of getting pregnant .... Am I crazy?! I can't help myself??!!?!




  1. ur planin to have kids for the wrong reasons. u sed ur not financially stable for a baby, and i fink it wud be unfair for u to bring a child in this world and not be able to take care of it properly. ur gna feel as if u let ur kid down.

  2. Are you married? I recommend waiting til marriage to have children. Backup is a necessity, especially someone who has as much invested in your child as you do.

    I had my first at 20 (married at 19) and another at 24. Without my husband as backup(though he leaves at 7:30am and gets home at 7:00pm), I would have shot myself. I love my children but you need, need, need to understand they require care 36 hours ( i know there are only 24) a day, 7 days a week. And your mom does not really want to watch a baby.

    Borrow your friends' kids for the next 10 days-one each day of course,  8-10 hours at a time, then tell you body to calm down. You'll probably start doubling up on birth control.

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