
My biological son is mentally ill can I or his adoptive parent go over his head to get him some help?

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The situation is just as the subject reads but for more information please read on.

My biological son who my mom adopted when he was a child is now 20 years of age and has been self inflicting wounds upon himself. I just found out about it tonight. I feel that my biological son is mentally ill and is in need of psychiatric help. Is it possible for myself or my mom(who adopted my son) to go over his head and have him put into a psychiatric hospital to get him some help?

If so, how do I go about doing it?




  1. Your son is of legal age.  As such, he would need to be a threat to himself (suicidal) or a threat to others (violent or more) in order to be committed.  Your only real recource now is to talk to him, talk to his friends, talk to anyone else that might be able to convince him that he needs to ask for help.  A therapist who works with those who self-harm is the place to start unless he is a real threat to himself.  The therapist could help determine if he needs hospitalization, medication, etc.  If you can get him to go, look for a psychologist.  They have Phd's, can evaluate and diagnose mental illnesses, and usually do talk therapy.  They work with psychiatrists (MDs) on medication.

  2. You have every right to be consernrd he is calling out for help by harming himslef and absolutly needs profesonol help can you drive him to the nearest emergency room ?they will most likley keep him in a facility to adress his mental issues and get him on medication and or counsuling .Is he willing to go since he is 20 he is not a minor if he refuses tell him it is not a scary place to go and there are people out there who care and want to help and is not alone with this problem you need to convince him to go is he refusing to go for help what state city do you live in ?THIS MAY SOUND DRASTIC BUT CAN YOU CALL AN AMBULANCE AND LET THE PARAMEDICS SEE WHAT HE IS DOING TO HIMSELF?MABEY THEY CAN CONVINCE HIM TO GET HELP

  3. So, that's kind of a tricky question. If he was under 18, it would be easy, you say do it and it's done. But, since he's an adult, there's a little more to it. First, you can try to talk to him and convince him that he needs help. If he doesn't go for that, and you feel that he's a danger to himself, than you can definately take him to the ER. They'll have a social worker come and talk to him, and if they feel that it's necessary, they'll admit him. If he has insurance, you can look at the back of the card and call the 1-800 number on the back for mental health. They'll give you names and numbers of people in your area that can help you. good luck and I hope everything works out!!

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