
My biomom is coming for a visit this morning what should we make for breakfast?

by  |  earlier

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Omelets or pancakes?

All we know right now is that we're having bacon. Mmmmm... bacon.




  1. You can't go wrong with bacon!

    Have a lovely visit!

  2. Pancakes!  Have a wonderful morning.

  3. It feels like a pancake morning to me.   I'm not sure why.  With fresh fruit, bacon, syrup...I can smell it from here.  YUM.  Me. I'm having Raisin Bran, again, BLAH!

    Have a lovely visit.  It sounds wonderful.

  4. Omletttes .. Cheesy goodness! YUM

  5. both!

  6. Can I choose both? I'm starving.  I hope you have a good visit. And, I agree, bacon -- yum!!!

    Edited to add: Your options sounded so good that we had "breakfast for dinner" tonight -- pancakes, bacon and omelets!

  7. Pancakes....with fruit compote if you've got it.

    Have a great morning together!

  8. Both sound good''


  9. You didn't indicate if this was the first time meeting or not, I'm going to look at it being the first time. I don't really think your biomom cares what you fix, both are great, she is probably not going to want to eat because of the excitement of seeing you.

  10. I would go for the pancakes, cause they are the best!

    have a good Breakfast!

  11. Skip the dishes and go out for breakfast!  Just kidding....they both sound good to me (although it's almost lunchtime here).  But since you're having bacon, go with the omelets!  : )

    Enjoy your visit.

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