
My bird flew away?

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my bird scout flew away today after my sister accidentally left the cage door open when we put him outside this morning. my mom thinks i should get a new bird or pet, but how do i know if i'm ready for one? sure i want a new bird, but i really miss scout. what should i do?




  1. Sure you'll miss your old bird but you should just get another one.  Things happen and you can always keep scout in your thoughts.

  2. Look for him. We lost ours. I put fliers in the neighbours letterboxes. Got him back two days latter. Your bird will not be able to feed himself, so he will identify a house with food and with a bit of luck, the owners will get him and you may get your bird back. Good luck. If that fails, get another one

  3. a loved pet cant be easily replaced >_>

    leave the cage outside with all the cage doors open with water and his favorite food. theres a slight chance he'll come back, if he does come back, take him to get his wings clipped

  4. Don't get a new bird,replacement pets don't work.Get his cage and put it on your roof with his favorite food and all the doors open.Put up fliers in the area.Tell all the neighborhood kids that if they see him that you will give them a reward(something like 5$).Check all the big tree's in the area.

    He's not gone he's just doing what birds do and having a fun time.If you look hard enough im sure you'll find him.

  5. Just go on and get yourself another bird.  These things happen. Just remember to keep the door shut and not leave your little sister in charge of doing it.  Good luck!

  6. For goodness sake...the cage isn't even cold yet! Take it easy! kjl

  7. your new bird will help you get over ur old one [:

  8. What kind of bird is scout?  Just because he flew away doesn't mean he is gone forever.  Make flyer's and put them around the neighborhood.  Also, the local newspaper usually will run a lost ad free.  There is also the web site to list lost and found birds.  Birds that fly off usually will stay within a short distance until something scares them off.  They don't have homing skills like pigeons, and have no idea what to do in a high tree.  They haven't learned to fly down.

      You can also put your cage out with food and water for a few days to see if he comes back.  There was a lost lutino lovebird here and it took my boyfriend 8 days to capture it.  We never found the owner so 'Cindy' is still with us.

      If you don't find Scout; get another feathered friend.
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