
My bird is about to vomit help!?

by  |  earlier

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I gave him a bit of the outside of the tomato about 1/2 an hour ago, and now i can tell he acts as if he wants to vomit. I gave him a tomato before and nothing happened, so just tell me what I should do to make him feel better if he doesn't vomit and what I should do to make him feel better if he does. don't make me panic from it though, I would ask another question if he keeps vomiting. anyway, please tell! thx ps, hes a male cockatiel about 7 yrs of age




  1. Don't give him the skin give him a slice of the tomatoe and see what he likes.

  2. some time thay will try and feed u i read about it  thats wat my  bird did that means  thay like u lol

  3. I don't know much about cockatiels, but I have 4 parakeets. They also act as if they want to vomit, but really it is a social thing. What their doing is they bring up food then feed it to each other. It sounds discusting but thats what they do. Are you close to him? Maybe he wants to feed you (pleasant!!!!) because he likes you or if there is another bird, maybe he wants to that bird. It probably has nothing to do about the tomatoe.  

  4. How long have you had the bird? My African Grey parrot actually vomits as a sign of love. In the wild, birds will regurgitate their food as a sign of excitement and bonding with another bird. This is nothing to be worried about.

    On the other hand, you may want to observe him to make sure he's not choking on the skin. Tomatoes are not toxic to birds, so this would be my only worry if I knew he wasn't regurgitating to show his affection. Call the vet if you think this is the case.  

  5. maybe he's balemic

  6. relax!, don't feed him anything else today, make sure he has a fresh supply of water, let nature take it's course, if he pukes, thats a good sign, it means he's getting rid of anything bad from his system. to make him more comfortable, dim the lights in the room and turn down the noise, if he is ill, he might sleep it off, don't worry, he'll be ok.

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