
My bird is acting strange! help!?

by  |  earlier

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my baby conure will sit on my shoulder and flap his wings intensley. he wont fly away or anything. he will clasp my clothing and just stay in one spot and flap his wings. what is this?




  1. hes just playing hes  pretending 2 fly my cockatiel does this 2

  2. its all normal

  3. exercize.

  4. My bird has been doing this too.  Its probably because it can tell its flight feathers are growing back and its testing its wings to see if its ready to fly.  My jenday at first was jumping off my shoulder trying to fly, now it just does this to test them once a day.  Keep on eye on the feathers to make sure you get them trimmed when they are too long.

  5. He doesn't know quite how to fly yet.

    Let his parents teach him first. If his parents are afraid of your hands, your baby will probably also.

  6. Quite normal activity indeed...your feathered one is merely stretching his wing feels great to have the 'wind beneath your wings' and his doing so exhibits that! You didn't mention if your bird has clipped wings or fully flighted or exact age...all these factors have a bit to do with this behavior too. When my cockatoo was young I would have him step up & then we would exercise his wings somewhat the same way...being my bird had not yet fledged on his own he loved holding snug to my hand while I ran & he flapped his wings! You may want to try this once in awhile! Many birds will flap their wings the same way when enclosed in their cages...unfortunately not all bird really get to feel the beauty of the 'wind beneath their wings' as Mother Nature intended. Take care~

  7. its normal behavier

  8. Maybe he is pretending to fly, or he is saying, "I'm on top of the world!"

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