
My bird is lonley should I get another one?

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I have a cockatiel and i've had her about a year i dont have a lot of time and i think she gets lonley. My friend had the exact same thing with her love bird and when she got another one her bird got really mean. My cockatiel is nice and i don't want her to turn mean. What should i do??




  1. yes, when my moms dog got lonely, we got another and he was so happy, he peed in the house.

  2. I always think it is best to have pets in twos or more.  I'm sure they are  happier to have friends.

    Do some research to find out if your breed of bird would do better with another female or a male.  If they get along better in boy/girl pairs, not sure about bird birth control!!!

  3. Spend more time with her! You need to be her best friend. If you can, have her out at least an hour every day.

  4. Go to a pet supply store and get a hanging mirror for your bird.  It is amazing how much time a bird will spend with their 'friend' in the mirror.  It will give her a 'companion' without any risk. I would try that before getting another bird since you don't have a lot of time for the one you already have.  Good luck and I hope the mirror helps.  My bird loved it.

  5. you should buy her a mirror.

  6. You should ask your bird. Maybe it will answer.

  7. Don't use your human psychology on the bird..... make time to spend with your cocktail....getting another bird will not resolve anything....this just causes more problems and more responsibility...and since you don't have time for 1 cocktail, I can't imagine you having time for 2.

  8. My cockatiel loves his mirror, he talks to himself all day and doesn't get lonely. you should really let her out at least 1 or 2 hours a day and talk to her when you are home. sometimes getting a friend is a good option, just know that you have to quarantine the new bird for 30days, in a different room, and have it in a different cage side by side with your bird afterward so they can get to know each other. you can't just throw the new bird in with the old one, they'll fight. There is no guarantee that the birds will like each other, and if they don't then you would then have two cages to clean, two water dishes to clean and fill with fresh water, and two separate food dishes to keep filled each day.

    If they do like each other and you still want to be in the relationship then you have to have daily contact with the birds, bringing them out of their cage and hanging with them. otherwise they will have a close bond, which excludes you.

  9. well if it's lonely, then yes you should get another one.

  10. get a male bird for her so that they can breed and have offspring...i love breeding...

  11. I have had cockatiels for many years and hand fed and raised babies 3 times they all talk and are hand tamed. they do like to be together but not all get along together. I let mine out when i'm making dinner they sit on my shoulder or when i'm on the computer they love to get in the shower with me.  they just need your time but you can still get things done without  neglecting the time they need.

  12. just get another bird, but the same kind !

  13. get a mirror, and leave something running ie: radio or tv occasionally when you have to go, and your bird should be ok.

  14. yea u should

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