
My bird is noisy and i have been told to put Australian native trees in his cage. what are some.?

by Guest66502  |  earlier

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well he copys the phone ring it whas quite cute the first time but now its starting to get everybody anoyed, what sould i do? and what are some australian native trees. as mush as i hate it my family might be going to get rid of him.




  1. it wont stop him being noisy

  2. put some hooch in the cage,should make him very happy.

  3. sounds like a male,it will not stop him

  4. Eucalypts, wattle, acacia, bottlebrush, grevillia, lots of grasses... the list is absolutely endless. I don't know where you are, but it can be difficult to find Australian plants outside of Australia. The best thing to do would be to go your local plant nursery and ask the salesperson what sorts of native Australian plants he/she sells.

    We also find that our cockatiel becomes quieter after having a bit of attention from us. Also we find putting a blanket over him will make him quiet. After he's quietened down, we take the blanket off. If his wings are clipped, we also find it helps to let him out for a walk now and then.

    Good luck!

  5. Try covering his cage and see if this helps

  6. bottle brush ,gum trees, flowers and seeds

  7. What kind of bird is he?

    Distracting him from the phone ring is better. Putting trees in is an excellent idea but it won't stop the noise!

    gum branches are the best, use the right size depending on the size of the bird. If you have something like a cockatiel than use small gum leaves & flowers or you will freak out the bird.

    Grevillea is loved by all parrots because of the sweet nectar in the flowers. Bottlebrush is also a favourite to use after the tree has stopped flowering, birds like the little nuts on then.

    Safe plant list:

    Flower list:

    If you can change the phone ring, your bird will eventually stop doing it. Teach the bird new simple words & spend a little time more time with it.

    Do some research on your specific species of bird.

    A phone ring is nothing, my eclectus has picked up the black cockatoo screams. Try putting up with that in your home.

    EDIT: my cockatiel did exactly the same thing for about a year. Teaching him new things & words or whistling, keeping him occupied & changing the ring tone stopped this.

    Cockatiels also love the teeny gum leaves & bottlebrush branches after it's flowered. They love to chew the nuts on them.

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