
My bird is sick! Is my medicine still good?

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He has a cold because our A/C has been going crazy and he developed a cold. He had the same thing in december of 07 and we were wondering if we could still use it. The Medicine is called "Baytril Suspension (compounded)". If you could tell me if its still good or not that would be great. Remember we got it December 18 2007.




  1. Compounded meds are usually good for 2 weeks not several months. They usually tell you to discard Baytril after 10 days. Throw the stuff out.

    You have received some good answers here the best of which is don't assume you know whats wrong with your bird and take it to an avian vet. I know its expensive but that's the price you pay for all the pleasure your bird gives you.

    Oh yeah---if your air conditioning is out of whack enough to get your bird sick it needs a repair man. Keep your bird quiet and warm till you can get him to the vet.---Yogi

  2. Thats a long time to be sick..ask the vet that.

  3. Call and tell the vet what is going on. Tell them you have this drug which is a good one for this type of thing. I believe it is good for a year but not certain about that. I know they may want to see the bird but better safe than sorry. Keep the bird warm and draft free and see if the vet may give you fresh script. Good luck.

  4. no!!!!! go to the  vet he knows what to do

  5. It's impossible to tell without an expiration date.  If the medication was dispensed through the pharmacy, perhaps they can direct you to some notation on the packaging that would be an indication.  

    Be wary of assuming that the bird is suffering from the "same illness" that he had before.  Initial signs may look similar but medication for one illness may not be effective for another illness.  Every organism is susceptible or resistant to different medications.  (Baytril <Enrofloxacin> is, however, a "broad spectrum" antibiotic and is often prescribed for bacterial infections barring, or pending, a full culture and sensitivity.


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