
My bird is sick. what can i do to help him until he gets to the vet? he's a male budgie parakeet?

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his wings are fluffed

he has redness and loss of feathers around his eye

he's trembling

he's letting me pet him

he won't eat all his treat




  1. I really hate to say this, but usually by the time you can tell a budgie is sick, it is too late. Keep it as warm as possible. You can put a lamp on the cage to warm the area, you can also hold him in a warm blanket (to where he can breathe of course). You can also give him pedialite (like for kids), it gives him electrolytes and fluid. Get him to vet ASAP. Good luck with your baby, hope it gets well.

  2. is the cage to small ? i assume it nervous and afraid . but you need to get him to a vet quick. and i mean quick.. but when you first get a pet you should get some free paper that describes how to take care of them or any disease.. hurry and good luck  oh and try giving him as much love as possible

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