
My bird is starting to talk!?

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it isn't very clear at all. he/she started saying hello, but very unclear, like more to the pitch of our voice. do you think it will get clearer with time?

cockatiel approximatly 3-4 months old




  1. probably thats cool

  2. Oh great....that is sooo exciting.

    I had a cockatiel about 4 years ago and he started like that. Seemed like once he got used to the idea of being able to make different noises there was no stopping him and things became clearer as he practiced.

    He said: Hello, Pretty Bird, TickleTickle, Come Here and lots of other things. He even started stringing those words together and I didn't teach him that. I used to say "tickletickle" and he'd lower his head for me to scratch it. Then, when HE decided he wanted scratched he'd yell "TICKLETICKLE" and after a couple of months he'd say "tickletickle, pretty bird" and I never taught him that.

    He also did the wolf whistle, lol, made me so paranoid when I walked into the room in my undies one time. I went and put a robe on, hehehe. He copied the phone, the dog, different birds from outside(like a whippoorwill) and he whistled the entire "Andy Griffith Show" theme.

    Keep working with him, it's so rewarding. Have fun.

    PS: it is said, that a cockatiel who gets used to doing a lot of whistling won't talk as much. I'm not so sure that's true though.

  3. awwww. what a precious moment.:'-) and at only 3 months? sounds like he'll be a real talker when he gets older. Its taken my 2 (1 male and 1 female-sibblings), their whole life--almost 2 years, to whistle "charge"!

  4. yeah and lucky im trying to make my bird talk well noto yet but i will

  5. The words do come out unclear at first, your bird is just learning, same as when a small child learns to talk. The words will come out a little jumbled up as well.

    It will become clear in time.

    My African Grey talks to himself when he thinks no one is listening, they do this to practise, so they can get the words right.

    At 3- 4 months of age your bird is still very young, just give him time and all will become clear.

    Although some some words Bob comes out with I wish weren't as clear as they are!

    He does tend to pick up on swear words very quickly!

  6. it probably will get clearer but just keep on practicing with it for it 2 remember and learn faster.

  7. yes it will get clearer, my cockatiel talks more than my large parrot. They pick up whistling easily too.    

  8. oh yes deffintaly

    thats a very young age to be talking though, so thats even better.

    Start saying it to her more often, and pronouce it clearer, and only say that word, not any thing else

    ( I mean obviously you can say other words, but for now, stick with hello)

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