
My bird isn't singing? is something wrong?

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I just got a new budgie yesterday.. He's male and he was very vocal in Pet's Unlimited, but yesterday and today he's been very quiet.. Is there something wrong with him? is he lonely?

P.S.. He is opening and closing his beak and making a small clicking sound too..




  1. Give him some time to adjust to his new home. It's really normal for him to be shy and scared. He was only vocal in Pet's Unlimited because he was with his budgie friends and he's used to living there.

    A content and/or sleepy budgie will click and grind his beak. So he's either happy or tired.  

  2. Give him time to adjust to your home maybe play with him and pet him a little to get him used to you.

  3. I have three parakeets, and they make a series of short clicking noises when they are upset.

    The reason why he isn't chirping normally might be because there are no other hook-billed birds to socialize with.

    Since you just got him yesterday, I think you should wait a few days so he can get settled comfortably, and he'll probably warm up to you.

  4. He's nervous. Give him time to adjust to your home.

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