
My bird wont eat?

by  |  earlier

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I got a new cockatiel and he wont eat! So i gave him a millit spray hoping he would eat that, well he did. But why wont he eat the seed? The place I got him fed him seed.

I dont want him to starve but he needs to eat a healthy diet too!




  1. Maybe you should call a vet and find out why he isn't eating.

  2. first of all how old is it? is it a baby or a fully grown bird

  3. OK, i have never owned a ''pet bird'' before but i have taken care of a few wild ones, the bird is probably not eating ether because the seeds u are feeding it are different than that of the ones feed to it previously, or its simple because of the change in its environment, i don't know weather this will work or not but u can try getting some Purina most and meaty dog food, the'' burger'' kind and mashing it up in some water,''it always worked for my birds, but like i said they were a different tipe of bird''

  4. of there has been a change in your birds environment or if the bird has just moved in ( if you just bough it) its normal for it to stop eating for 24-48 hours but if this last over 48 go see a vet immediately

  5. contact a vet if he still doesn't eat the next day.

    A healthy diet for a bird is 40% PELLETS 40% veggies/fruit

    and less than 20% SEEDS (seeds should be offered as treats.) check the web for veggies and fruits that are good for budgies.)

    Is it the diet that the people were feeding him or is it a different seed diet? He might just be a little scared.

    To tame him give him about 2 weeks to get used to his surroundings.

    In the meantime you can talk to him and give him treats. (do not put your hand in unless to cage food/water)

    After the 2 weeks is up you can open the cage and tempt the birdie out with treats.

    When he comes out pet him/touch him and if he lets you reward him and give him a treat. (do not touch under a birds wings, his butt, or his middle-lower wing area. That is like his private spots. Plus when praising him keep your voice soft and do not yell at him.)

    after he lets you pet him you can put him back in and wait for tomorrow to continue.

    The next day tempt him out again with treats and your voice. When he comes out practise touching him (birds LOVE head scratches!) if he lets you reward him.

    Then you can start finger training! (remember this can take 1day-1month!)

    Take your curved pointer finger and rub his lower stomach. (If bites don't pull away! I know it might hurt but this is his way of saying i don't wanna go up (ignore that for now) plus if you pull away he now knows how to get you away and will keep doing this. Birds also bite to measure the distance between your finger and his foot to see if he can step up!)

    If he steps up say step up praise him and reward him. Keep doing this until he gets it then put him back in.

    As soon as he masters this (this could take a 1day-month) you can start taking him off. Just say step-off and put your finger near the ground (shake your finger lightly if you have to get him off) when he does go off say step-down and praise and reward him.

    Just master this then finger training is complete!

    Next is bonding + tricks if you want!

    P.S birds are right footed or left footed like we are left handed or right handed! to tell, see what foot he puts on your finger first or what foot he uses to get down with first!

    ((That all was just extra knowlege for you))

  6. Most of the time new cockatiels will not eat for the first few hours either because they are nervous or they don't know where the food is. This happen to both of my tiels but they got the hang of it.  Go here tho, it will pry give you more information. Good luck I hope he starts eating soon.

  7. first of all when you first get a bird they go through a traumatic change,just as people it's anew environment,people place,etc...The place you got it from might have fed it different food than you do,a plain seed based diet is not good for tiels first of all,and if you do have a newly weaned baby you can start early by feeding the bird a pellet and seed based diet together,to make it palatable.just add some pellets in with the food and try changing where you put the food,get a honey treat stick,but don't get those gadgets they try to sell you to hold them they  just get in the way and scare the bird away from the treat,try using tie wraps, or even the ties for bread bags to connect the treat stick,at least he won't starve while you figure out what he will eat.Browns makes a food called tropical carnival,it's in a blue bag,it's food and a treat in one and my tiels can't resist it,and that's never happened.Also Lafebers which comes in a small plastic container makes cockatiel food that is the pellets and food that is in round balls,I break them up so it's easier for them to grab on to and they love that.Just a few hints.Just give your new friend some time and always give it fresh water,at least 3-4 times a day and get a bowl for a bird bath if it wants to do so.I hope I helped.
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