
My birds have run out of seed and i've been giving them carrot sticks, is this ok?

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My birds (Locky and Pippa) ran out of bird seed 2 days ago. Yesterday i chopped half of a whole carrot stick then chopped that in half again. I gave it to my birds yesterday and today just then, they eat the whole stick. Is this okay? Should i be feeding them more? My mum is taking me to buy seeds tomorrow but at the moment i am making sure they get heaps of fruit and veggies into their system, i wanted to give them broccoli but all we had in our fridge was carrots so i gave them carrots.

Inside the cage there is also a honey seed treat so thats also good, because it's seeds.

So, the question is do i give them more carrot? Or is half of a whole carrot chopped up again in half fine? It is quite a large amout when i see it.

Please, any sensible replies will be good...

Thanks xo.




  1. If they are eating it, give it to them.... vegetables and fruits are great for parakeets.. Also, cockatiels love it too.

  2. That is fine. Veggies are good and can give fruits like apples, grapes. You can wedge it in the cage bars and they wil lpick on it to. Plus if you have the honey seed treat that is ok. I would stock up on seed, pellets, and millet. Not good to run out. Millet is always good to have on hand and last awhile. They love it and it is fatty in case this happens again. In a pinch you can give little bits of cracker, and even some table food if they will eat it. My birds like a little pasta with small amount of sauce on it. (no onions or garlic in it though). Chop up small. Just make sure they dont get the runs. If they do cut down on new foods. Make sure they have lots of fresh water. :)

  3. Good thing the lil feathered ones like carrots huh? They should be just fine til you get some seed...Offering a variety of fruits & veggies is good for your feathered ones...A good idea is to always have some birdy bread on hand in the freezer for the times you run out of seed...Birdy bread is easy...simply corn bread mix with any kind of adds you know they like...corn/veggies/organic pellets/eggs/applesauce/etc...

    Birdy bread stored as small cubes in freezer are great to have on hand always. Offering your birds sweet potato cooked is excellent, as well as organic popcorn without salt or butter of course! Corn on the cob is another many things they will thrive off of...scrambled or hard boiled egg is also a great one for them...coconut flakes no sugar just natural coconut...Organic cereals with no added sugars or salts is good too....lots of healthy cereals nowadays they enjoy nibbling upon. KUDOS to you for being concerned about your feathered ones...Take care!

  4. see if they eat it first - but depending on what type of bird they are they might not eat it. since there is no see make sure you keep up there fluids regulary and corn is also great. My birds love it.

  5. If they eat it all in one day then you should be giving them more.  Try putting in a little more and if they eat it all then give them more.  Birds aren't supposed to eat all the food in their cage at once.

    I hope I helped!

  6. My goodness! YES!

    The best things for your birds is a combo of fresh fruits, veggies and seeds. Avoid avocado. Sunflower seeds can be fatty if given too much. We give them as a treat or reward.

    Carrots, apples, brocoli, oranges..... GREAT! I bet they LOVED that! Keep it up- give in addition to fruit but make sure you remove what isn't eaten so it doesn't go bad.

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