
My birth certificate has been changed?

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i no longer speak to my parents as they have acted strange towards me my whole life. i got a new birth certificate last year and the date on it was 1985, however i was born in 1984. iv done some research and iv found out that my surname was changed on the certificate a year later , so that's why it said 1985. however my parents were married when i was born so why would i be given a different name at birth. when my sister who is not my fathers biological kid have his name on there from the start? any one have any ideas?




  1. Are you 100% sure you have the right birth certificate?

  2. don't hate me.

    but there is the possibility that your adopted.

    but even that sounds kinda strange that they messed up your birth date.

    try calling the hospital, or the town you were born in.

    they might be able to shed some light on things

  3. you should have one or the other.. your mothers name before marriage or your fathers name since you said they were married at the time of your birth. I'll give an example.. using the ABC's. Mothers last name is A, fathers last name is B, C would be used for an oddball name ,say Carter.Parents cannot change you name to carter just because they feel like it. If you are not the biologiacl child of neither parent, and your mothers name was carter they could have used it, but that would have to have been done at birth, not years later. Did he adopt your sister, who is only your mothers child ?

  4. Here in the UK  we are given 42 days (six weeks) to register newborn babies, sometimes and really quite often, when  a child is born towards the end of the year, say December 14th 1984 that means they have six weeks to register the child taking them into January 1985 the following year to register the baby.  Parents in the UK can also change a babies surname up until the age of one. After the age of one say  seven years old,  if one of the parents wanted to change the child's name, the other parent must agree to this taking place and must be present at the  re-registration.

    Hope this helps.

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