
My birth certificate name is different than my social security how can i change my name?

by  |  earlier

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I live in California and i have an extra letter in my name on the BC and i dont want that extra letter. So what, were and who do i go to 2 get it change to wat it says in my SS card.(and can you tell me the process im going to go through.) thanks.




  1. You can use whatever spelling you want, so long as it is not for fraudulent purposes, and California recognizes name changes by usage.  If you want to formally change your name (which may prevent problems in official documents), this site will tell you how to do so:

  2. You'll have to go to the courthouse.  I don't know the fees offhand, but I want to guess it's like $30.  You may be able to sweet talk your way to a free fix, if you show your SS card, and call it a typo.

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