
My birthday is 30/11/1985.birthtime is 4.01pm.state penang country is my love life?

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how my love life.and my future




  1. u will fall in love with a rich, young handsome man. but he dont like you.. then u notice some poor, dirty, old street holyman lying on the street. he says he loves u. then u fall in love with him. the end.

  2. Your love life will have it's ups and downs..

  3. Your best friend probably is your soulmate..

    Your future is... better for them to be a big mystery..

  4. SUCKS!

  5. in america this is your horoscope. you are a...


    Weekend Update: You get so much accomplished on Friday that you surprise yourself and almost feel like bragging. Although you have a 'happy go lucky' reputation, you get some of your most stellar satisfaction from doing good work, delivering on all promises and being on time. Each of these challenges demands a lot from you, which makes it more precious and worthwhile to do. You constantly test yourself, pushing yourself to the edge (or over the edge) of pain, just to see how far you can go and how much you can take. When others arrogantly announce that you'll NEVER be able to do something, that's a battle cry for you. You suddenly get very determined and shockingly stubborn in order to prove the bloviator wrong, wrong, wrong. Your favorite competition normally involves overcoming your own fear or resistance. You'll amaze yourself on Friday. Saturday is funny, surprising and packed with unexpected visits, calls and requests for favors. You'll sort the wheat from the chaff, probably with the assistance of a close friend or partner. You realize that time is one of your most precious assets and conserving it for the most important things is necessary now. On Sunday, you and a close friend or partner may disagree about how best to handle a career question. You might disagree about a money matter as well. It may be that the two of you need some privacy or time apart.  

  6. it depends on hw u gonna live ur life!

  7. ur birthday is same with my mum

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