
My birthday is May 26, 1971 6:53 a.m. Norwalk,Ca. Can someone please give me a little insight.?

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Close to a cusp. What moon was I born under. Don't fall under a true Gemini.




  1. hi there

    how about you visit enco

    there's a good fortune teller and also free services

    wish you luck and best wishes

  2. The spirits tell me, that on the night of the full moon you will be blessed with the company of a shy capricon man his name i sense will begin with a J. you to will fall in love and have 2 children, but that will endly badly,  you will die in  horribly in a car accident leaving your family behind to struggle with thousands of dollars of debt, your father will commit suicide ,your mother will die of cancer and your family dog will choke on a gold fish, where as your children will grow up to forget you and your husband will immediatley fall into the arms of his 3 year lover who is a man. i suggest for you safety don't fall in love.ever.

  3. You are Sun in Gemini.  Moon in Cancer. Ascendant in Gemini.

    You are a true Gemini.

    Sun in Gemini, Moon in Cancer

    You were born with the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Cancer. Your personality comes under the rulership of the Moon which indicates one who is attached to the comforts of her home life. You are friendly in manner and gesture. You are highly sensitive to nature and your surroundings. You should be careful not to fall under the influence of other people so readily.

    You have the capacity to escape the confines of self and empathize fully with the feelings of others. The Moon in Cancer always creates a personality overflowing with sensitivity and emotions. In order to feel secure it is very important that you have your family and social affairs completely settled and running smoothly.

    Coming under the influence of the Sun in Gemini, your core is intellectual, seemingly in opposition to your personality. Internally you are less emotional than appears by the role you have assumed in society. You need to have more determination and self-reliance in whatever you do.

    The key to a better integration of your personality is to become more detached and independent of your family and home affairs and to acquire a more solid psychological focal point, so that you follow your goals with more determination.

    Ascendant in Gemini, Mercury in the Eleventh House

    At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Gemini was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mercury is located in the eleventh house.

    Your ascending sign and the position of its ruler offers general information concerning the overall trends of the course of life and complements the data pertaining to your temperament, given previously by the analysis of the combined positions of the Sun and Moon.

    Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and among its key psychological influences over life there are the following: intellectual activities, humanism, and abhorrence of violence, constant doubt of all mental concepts, hesitancy and academic interest.

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