
My birthday is november 7 and i'm turning 16 and i wanted to know what i should do with my friends in NYC?????

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it's hard because we're only teens soo and i really want to go to manhattan this year and get out of Brooklyn. please help.




  1. the 40/40 club.

  2. you act like Manhattan so far away, you are only in Brooklyn. that's silly, thousands of people jump on the subway and go back and forth to work everyday. there's teens that live in one borough and go to school in another, every morning. why wait until November to go... go this weekend, the train is $2.50... people in New York never take full advantage of what there city has to offer. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR JUST DO IT!!!!     GO HAVE SUPER FUN!!!!!!!

  3. here are some suggestions and tips from our personal experience:

    we went to NY for a week.

    we had a blast!!!

    you should visit Serendipity for dessert :)

    there's a book called Lonely Planet (NYC)

    it is a really really helpful book for tourists like us because it includes walking tours, etc, and places to eat.

    by the way, instead of waiting for hours in line to get to the statue of liberty, you may opt to have the NY waterway tour instead. This way, you will save enough time to tour other parts of the city :)

    there's also the famous BULL at the financial district :)

    you should also try the yummiest Pizza Margherita at  'Lil Frankie  in East Village ^,^

    if you have more time, try walking the stretch of Brooklyn Bridge.

    this serves as an exercise too.. hihihi

    also, do visit Saint Patricks's Cathedral at 5th avenue.

    don't miss to go inside.

    it's wonderful!!!

    we also went to Top of the Rock instead of the Empire State Building to avoid the long line hihihi because we were afraid we won't have enough time to see other parts of NYC :)

    for shopping, you may want to visit Century 21, just across the former WTC.

    you should have lunch/brunch at Cafe lalo!!! or at Sarabeth's :)

    we chose Cafe Lalo hihihi because of the ambiance and because it's famous.

    To relax, try having a picnic at Central Park.

    we chose to eat at the top of one huge rock there to have e good view of the whole central park :)

    then, we went to MET (entrance is by donation only, you don't have to give 20 USD)

    if you're a techie like my friends, you may want to visit the MAC store. it is now a tourist spot because of its unique architecture :p

    DON'T MISS eating at PARADOU!!!

    it's a MUST!!!

    trust me on this!

    you also gotta watch a broadway show! definitely!

    there's WICKED and SPAMALOT :)

  4. if i were you, i would go to chinatown and buy some designer bags


  5. Go to a teen club that doesnt sell alchole!!!!!! SOOOOO MUCH FUNN!!!!!!!........Rome the strrets............SHOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!TILL... YAH DROP

  6. go watch Broadway . you are now old enough to understand it and appreciate it. have fun...

  7. my birthday is november 8th and i say the 40/40 club

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