
My birthday is tomorrow, but i opend all of my presents today...

by  |  earlier

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except one big one from my grandma she said, SHE NEEDED TO CHANGE SOMETHING ON IT.... what could this be?

And my mom and step dad are getting the whole family SOMETHING FUN... what could these two presents be? help me try to figure this out... thanks!




  1. why dont you just wait for tomorrow and be surprised? not that hard...

  2. balls

  3. SOMETHING FUN= vacation/trip.

    big one=7 packs of costco socks? All in a size too small?

  4. idk its a surprise ! im excited 4 you :]

  5. Grandma knitted you a sweater, then realized she put the wrong initials on it (she forgot your name). She only had one big box at home, so that's what it got wrapped in.

    Surprise! You're getting a baby brother or sister. It was fun for mom and your step-dad, but not so much for the rest of you.

  6. Yeah, I agree on the baby thing, but I'm not sure about your Grandma. Maybe diamond earrings? IDK. Oohh it could be a ring she engraved with your name, but then forgot a letter or something. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    EDIT: LOL I checked back to make sure I was right :) Happy Birthday and congratulations on being a big sis. It's a great feeling.

  7. i don't know. just wanted to say happy birthday

  8. hmm gimme a minute to pull out my crystal ball so i can magically tell you what your family is getting you for your birthday....keep in mind NONE of us even know who you are so this will probably be wrong....

    h'okay so, the ball says that your getting something that you dont have already...

  9. Your grandma got you a wig, just like hers! But she needed to make it a little shorter...

    And, you're gonna be a big sissy!  

  10. NO IDEA!!! I'm so excited for you though! tell me when you get it???

    I'm gunna come back and read it so make sure you tell me what you got! pleeeease?  

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