
My birthday party?

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can you help me with birthday party party ideas like what is a good theme, games that we could play, movies that we can watch, and other things that you do at birthday parties oh and it is a slumber party.




  1. hmm.... what i'm doing for my birthday (i'm turning 13) is my theme is my favorite holiday... so i'm having a christmas in july party. were going to have a gingerbread house out that people can add candy and stuff to (of course we wont eat it)

    and all of my gifts are going under a fake christmas tree. The house is going to be decorated with various lights and decorations... i hope this helped... =] if you decide to do this or something similar, i can give you more suggestions.


  2. For food do what you like if you like pizza do that if you like chicken dothat to or call up the people you are inviting and ask them all the foods they like so when they come to your party they will love the foods that you have. For games why don't you play well these are more little kids games like not your age but, you may still enjoy them like pin the tail on the donkey and musical chairs and hey this one is not that much of a kitty game in fact I play all the time at partys. What you need is some ballons. People and shoes. How you play is simple you blow up the baloon. Tie it around your ankle and when the judge says Go you try to pop someones baloon off their ankle but, you can not let anyone pop yours. Thats a game that I like maybe you will you should try it. Also for another game why don't you play truth or dare and have a fun time yet, if you are going to have a theme do games that go with the theme. Say you did a hawii theme you could do the best hula dancer for a game and you can tell everyone to dress as hula dancers something to go with the theme. Here are some more theme ideas-Pajama party since it is a slumber party. Costume Party. You can also do a whatever theme which would mean your guests can do, wear, eat whatever they want. They can bring their own food and come up with their own games. Partys are so much fun so I hope this helped!

  3. you can have balloons as a game have a bunch of balloons blowed up and who ever pops the balloon with their butt first wins ;) lol

    happy birthday whenever it is btw

  4. I was going to suggest a make-over party,but maybe your a little to young for the make-up part of it,but I think it would be fun to do each others hair and some make-up,maybe your mom could come up with some simple make-up for your age group.  Happy Birthday ~!!!!

  5. For food you can always do a tray with like vegetables and dip. You can do like a platter with different flavored party wings like for ex: bbq, spicy, fried with dip for the wings. You can do a fruit salad. A punch bowl cake, maybe some crackers and diff types of cheeses. You can even grill some hotdogs and hamburgers outside. You can also do some steamed shrimp and put them on a platter with some cocktail sauce and have some soft drinks... I believe you all would enjoy yourselves and have a ball oh and do not forget the birthday cake..... Happy Birthday To You.... Peace and blessings....    God Bless You...

  6. have a backwards party and take them somewhere that should keep them occupied for a little while then when you come home have movies and popcorn get snacks that they like and a lot of other different things

  7. Fear Factor Party

    split into teams of two

    In order to keep the teams random pick team names out a hat.

    do some mental challenges, physical challenges and gross challenges to even the playing ground.

    Maggot & Fly Jell-O Balls (Game 1)

    Objective: To eat your maggot & fly jell-o ball the fastest Rules: Each person will complete the challenge one at a time, this is a timed challenge.

    Setup: Prepare Jell-o in a muffin pan, cook the rice, Once the Jell-O starts to set, add the rice and raisins.  For extra goo add strawberry syrup to after the jell-o is set. Supplies: Muffin pan, muffin tins, 2 boxes of strawberry jell-o, white rice, raisins and strawberry sauce.

    Scoring: The three that complete this challenge the fastest will receive pointsFirst place 5 points, Second place 4 points, Third place 3 points

    (GAME 2) (Team) Objective: Which three teams can find the key and unlock their partner the fastest

    Rules:  Each team will decide which partner is going to be chained up and which partner is going to find the key.

    one person sits on the ground with their back away from the key.

    When the clock starts the key finder will get up run to the bucket and locate the key.  

    Once the key is found the key finder will run back to their partner unlock them and once both team members are standing the clock will stop.

    Setup: Kitty Litter in a bucket. Key already berried. Supplies: Bucket, Kitty Litter, Chain and Pad lock or hand cuffs.

    cuffsScoring: The three teams that complete the challenge the fastest will add points to their team score. First place 5 points, Second place 4 points, Third place 3 points.

    Bobbing for Eye Balls (Game 3) (Individual) Objective: Retrieve as many eye balls as possible in 1 minute.

    Rules: You will bob for eye balls with your hands behind your back. You will have 1 minute  to retrieve as many eye balls as possible

    Setup: Fill large bucket/tub with water, pigs feet and Brussels sprouts Supplies: large bucket/tub carrot slices and fresh Brussels sprouts because they are firmer.

    Scoring: The three individuals that complete the challenge the fastest will add points to their team score.First place 5 points, Second place 4 points, Third place 3 points.

    Chow Time (Game 4) (Individual) Objective:  To eat your dog food the fastest Rules: Two players from opposite teams will head-off. On your knees with your hands behind your back you will try to eat your dog food the fastest.

    Setup: Empty 5-6 cans of tuna,canned chicken and spam

    into a bowl. Empty a can of dog food to make the girls think they are eating dog food.

    Scoring: The person to eat their dog food the fastest out of each heat will get 3 points

    Movies you can watch are

    Premonition - Rated Pg 13

    Secondhand Lions - rated Pg (good movie i watched it and i'm 27)

  8. For food and drinks, I think you should have the food that you like.  If your favorite is pizza, do that, if it's fried chicken, do that!  If you like bbq, have a cookout with hamburgers and hot dogs!  If you like tacos, do a taco bar with all the fixings.  I think it's up to you, do what YOU like, what YOUR favorites are.  No one can tell you that, but you.  It's your party and you have to be happy and I think you should be the one to decide that.  For drinks, it's the same thing, have what you like.  Water, soda, lemonade, iced tea, whatever it is that you like you should have.

    For movies, what movie have you wanted to see, but haven't, or what is your favorite that you can watch over and over?  I would go with that, or the one that you've been really wanting to see, your favorites.  You can also talk to your friends that are coming to your party and see what they would like to see.   A few days before the party, see if a few of your friends can meet you at Blockbuster and pick a movie or two out with them.  Or talk about it beforhand and see what you come up with.  If you can even look it up online and figure it out and then everyone decide together.

    For games, you can take advantage of the nice weather and do relay races, potato sack races, three legged races, etc.

    You can set up a volleyball net and play volleyball and badmitten.

    You can do water balloon fights.

    You can do a watermelon eating contest or a pie eating contest but instead of pie, fill the tin with whipped cream and whoever finishes first wins.

    You can get a pinata.  I don't know your age, but everyone likes candy!  Pick one out that you like and have it at the party.

    Set up an ice cream bar.  Get chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream and some toppings.  Sprinkles, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and cherries, and have everyone make their own sundaes.  You can go to the dollar store and get the tall plastic sundae glasses or at the grocery store there is the waffle cone bowls.

    You can play Twister, charades, or pictionary.

    Make sure to have lots of snack foods and chips and things for the night for you and your friends to snack on.

    You can play board games with your friends.

    I hope some of these ideas help and that you have a great party and a very Happy Birthday!

  9. I went to a 12 year old birfday party yesterday ;

    It was fun. it was poolparty//slumber

    the games we played were fun when one half of people were watching a movie we;d go around and scare the c**p out of them it was fun

    it was night and u have to be very quiet.

    we played man hunt i know its not really for girls but its fun.

    we also had this surprise where we all turned around and got shaving cream all over us. then we rode around theh neighborhood with shaving cream on ourselveess .

    we had waterballoons too and there was many ideas.

    we watched movies like alvin and the chimpmunks .

    Yeah it helps when u have a movie where u can laugh or have an opinion and start a minor fight  .

    there was alotof fun that night and we stayed up all night.

    hope this gives ideas for a awesome birthday party.



    (. .)


    ^^^^^ :)   p.s games shouldnt just be board. :D

  10. what age range? I would suggest having just a summer theme like everyone wears there bathing suit and you could have a waterballoon fight.

    You could also have a campout. I had one and now that is what i do every year. It was SO FUN

  11. For food you should have raw veggies, fruits, sushi, and vitamin water. For a theme, make it a sports theme. At your party you can play tennis, b-ball, hockey, volleyball, or any kind of sport. For the winning teams or players have prizes such as key chains, or makeup or whatever. For games you should play twister, or clue!   Happy B-Day =]

  12. How old are you - makes a difference as to what I would recommend : - )
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