
My birthday sucks. what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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(sorry for this being in womens health i have no idea what category to put this in!)

okay well its my birthday today.

and all my firends are busy. one has an eye appointment, ones out with her dad, ones at a baby shower, ones being a ******, and i cant get a hold of anymore...

both my parents are working too so i cant even go out with them. so i'm home alone and i have nothing to do.. im only 15 too so i cant drive...

do i just sit here and do nothing? or lke, walk around outside and just walk? or just stay on the computer? :|

like seriousley this is the worst birthday ever and im looking for ideas to cheer myself up? :(




  1. Try doing something that makes you happy that you can do alone.  Like i you like to bake, bake a cake, pie or cookies.  that can take up time, and it is fun to make, and even more fun to eat.  Depending where you live go for a walk, or a run.  Running can release endorphins in the brain that make you happy.  Or take up a project at home.  you can always try re arranging your room, or make something.  Draw, paint.  The best way is to keep busy doing something.  even if it is cleaning.  Because if you are just sitting alone doing nothing and moping that it is your birthday you will be miserable.  Try planning something for a day that your friends aren't busy.  Come up with something fun and different, brainstorm ideas and call around, get a whole plan together.  Happy Birthday! and sorry this happened. But try and make the best of it!

  2. OH ! Happy Birthday. :) Okay, well did you have a cake yet? If not, than why don't you make one ! I know it's not right to make a cake for your own birthday, but if you like cooking, than making a cake should be fun! Also, you can eat something you like ! Make anything you like, eat it slowly, relax and enjoy. :) Do you have a store near by? If so, go and get candy, chips, chocolate....ANYTHING !!!   --What about a movie ?? Get a movie, close the blinds in the house, through pillows on the ground, go get blankets, turn on dim lights, make i cozy, and watch the movie enjoy it and have candy, chips, popcorn, drinks, chocolate ...anything you like !!! It's your day, TREAT YOURSELF. :)   -- When your parents get home, i'm sure they will have something special for you!! They might bring home supper, or bring you to the resturant.. So enjoy the "alone time" for yourself and spend the "family time" doing something you like...........:) I hope your birthday turns out awesome!! [;  Have funnn ! xxooxoxoxo

    Ps. Thanks for helping me with my question.. :)

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