
My birthday was the other day and?

by  |  earlier

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no one in my family wished me a happy birthday. I received no phone calls, no visitors and no cards. Should I say something to them?




  1. Happy Birthday... Sorry your family is insensitive, and wrapped up in themselves.. sounds a lot like my family.  I'd wait and see, that happened to me a few years back, they forgot my birthday, and had a birthday part a couple of months later for my cousin.  At the party, her 7 year old asked me when my birthday was.  I told her I didn't have a birthday, if I did surely my family would have remembered it.  No one said a word, even though they heard me say that.  I've not observed any birthdays with them since.  I don't expect them to rememeber, so far they've not surprised me, they've not said a word in years.

  2. Hey,join the club-nobody treats me with much respect,either!-Steve

  3. I've been there and didn't say anything, eventually they figured it out and apologized.  The question is really what do you hope to accomplish by saying something?  You probably won't end up feeling better about it whether you say something or not.  If you do say something try to do it without attacking them or accusing them of not caring or whatever.  Just  let them know your a little bummed out that no one even said happy birthday and then try to get past it.  

    Happy Birthday by the way.

  4. A couple years ago, my daughter didn't make any notice of Mother's Day.  No gift, no phone call, no card.  A few days after that, when I went to visit her for another reason, she explained that she hadn't given me anything because she was not able to come out to visit me on Mother's Day.

    I told her straight out that yes, I had certainly noticed, and had my feelings hurt.  She has remembered ever since.

    I say tell your family that you felt hurt because nobody remembered your birthday.  Maybe next January when your family gets the new calendar, turn to the month of August, mark your birthday in red ink.

  5. to bloody right thats just rude!!

  6. Stop allowing them to use you to run errands, etc. and they may start to take notice of you.  They seem quite insensitive to you and are taking advantage.

  7. uhh i bet you their going to give u a supriseee. or either u did something very meanfull to themm.

  8. sixteen candles, much?

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