
My black Mollie is a bully! How do I fish this?

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Well, my black mollie, Luna, is...quite the little bully. She bullied my male Betta fish Joe to the point where he feared her, and I removed him from the tank. But I only have so many tanks, so I switched him out with my female betta Mei. Since Mei's fins are shorter, I figured her want to bite them would be less since Joe's fins were long, an di read that it temps fish to bite. she she still tries. I haven't seen any obvious damages to the fish but...they are obviously afraid of her and...I don't want that. Is there anythign I can do to make it work? Or do I have to get rid of her?

Also as a side note, if I have to get rid of her I have a friend who is willing to take her in but we need to know, can Mollie live with Chinese algae eaters?




  1. nothing gets along with a chinese algae eater and i say get rid of the molly

  2. I would keep her in a tank by herself or get rid of her. no she would not mix well with chinese algae eaters. some fish are just naturally aggressive and some are because of how they were handled during their shipping to the pet store which can be traumatic. Keep her away from other fish. it sucks i know but that is one of the things you have to take on when you get a pet.  

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