
My black eyed susan?

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I bought a beautiful plant last week with tiny buds and some flowers on it, planted it in the flower garden (full sun) and now it looks like its almost dead. I thought this was a prarie flower and was tolerant of sun and heat? The leaves are wilted and flowers and buds are gone. I know sometimes that transplanting flowers from a container is stressful, but nothing has bounced back!




  1. Just give them time, they don't take well to transplanting in the heat even thought they are drought tolerant once they are established.

  2. You didn't do anything wrong. It's transplant shock! Leave it alone and let it recover. In 1 to 3 weeks the plant will sprout back from the botttom and flower again. Also keep it moderately moist  and it'll come back.

  3. full sun isnt the cause of it. could be soil composition. best bet would be to take a soil sample and get it analized. i think you can buy a kit from lawn&garden suppliers, or you could go to a plant nursery and get it done there. hope it works out.

  4. i dont know where you live but maybe your sun is just too bright for it?  it might need full light but partial shade for example.
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