
My blood pressure is 135/97 and pulse 72...Is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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I had outpatient surgery on Monday, I was taking hydrocodone for the pain but got itchy so my doc switched me to Darvocet today and I'm still in pain. I just plain don't feel right and am wondering if I'm having a reaction to this medication. I took my vitals with an at home monitor but I have no idea what they mean. Are they normal?




  1. Your Diastolic Pressure is a little high (Bottom Number) that is probably be caused by the pain. You didn't have high pressure before the surgery did you? You no doubt don't feel right from the medication. I would have the Doctor give you some Vicodine instead of Darvocet. I don't know the severity of your pain or what surgery you had done or how old you are, but if it was outpatient surgery it couldn't be that serious. Once you get that pain controlled, I'm sure your pressure will go back to normal like 135 or 130 over 60 or 70. I wish for you the very best young lady and may your pain at least ease up and in no time go away.  

  2. 170/ 102  m

    y bloodpressure

  3. The surgery will heal and the pain will lesson, whether or not you take pills for your pain.  Your blood pressure is a little high, but if you are in pain, that is probably why.  Try and relax, it will help.

  4. pain can cause bp to sore high *** well as nerves...

    omg that randy w  bp is very medical attention if your serious....

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