
My blood sugar (fasting) was 591 yesterday and 401 today, What should I do?

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My blood sugar (fasting) was 591 yesterday and 401 today, What should I do?




  1. See a doctor!  Your blood sugar should be <120.

  2. Lose the sugar and lose weight.

  3. take insulin

  4. Those reading are very high.

    Call your doctor asap and get to the hospital.

    Do Not drive yourself.

    Either a friend can drive you or an ambulance.

    Good luck.

  5. You need to see a doctor now!

    That high blood sugar is killing you.  Slowly but surely, it is KILLING you.  It has to come down, and the faster the better.

    These readings indicate that you are producing almost NO insulin. In that case you are a Type 1 diabetic, regardless of your age.

    A smart doctor will start you on insulin shots NOW, and work with you to control your diet and medications.  As your sugar comes down, MAYBE the insulin can be reduced or eliminated.

    But right now you on on the verge of a Diabetic Coma.  If this occrs while you are driving, it could be fatal to you and others around you.  If you live alone, you go into a coma and never wake up.

    You probably already have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. That means that you are in danger of having a heart attack or stroke.  The real danger with these it that they don't always kill -- they just maim you, leaving you crppled or "a vegetable".

    You probably also already have kidney disease, and it is probably irreversible.  Already, you have probably doomed yourself to  living the last few years of your life having to undergo dialysis.

    Not to mention the possiblity of nerve damage. blindness, and sexual problems.

    Go to the doctor and get that blood sugar down NOW.

    [Normal is 80-120 for all people all the time.]

  6. go to the hospital, you are far out of normal range.  If you don't seek treatment, and your blood sugar continues to rise, DKA (diabetic keto-acidosis) can ensue.  It is important to maintain an normal blood glucose level.  worst case scenario, diabetic coma, treatment



  7. when i was first diagnosed with diabetes my sugars were at 870 and i was walking and talking fine, i was very symptomatic, i was also negative for ketones which is very rare for sugars that high, my endocrinologist said the amount of water i was drinking is what saved me, u need to get to the doc, but the only way to flush ketones out in the mean time so you dont develop ketoacidosis is drinking mass amounts of water or iv fluids, so please please drink a lot of water, not fluids but water, i know it sucks with sugars that high cuz you have to pee every 20 minutes, but i was carrying around gallons of water. if you are already on meds they are wrong and need to be changed if not on meds you need to be now, high sugars destroy your insides you cant stay at that level, call the doc and go in tomorrow  

  8. That depends: are you already diabetic, or would this be a new diagnosis? If new diagnosis, see your doc immediately (not necessarily the ER, if you can get in today/tomorrow) for initiation of treatment.

    If you're already a diabetic, then you need to do 1 of 2 things: 1)adjust your medications regimen to prevent the highs, or 2) start taking your meds as instructed.

  9. That's not true, dingding.

    When I was diagnosed I had a blood sugar reading of over 600.  I had been carrying out my daily routine, didn't feel great but not too badly.  I could tell by the symptoms that I probably had Diabetes but wasn't sure until I went to the Dr.  I agree that a reading that high is dangerous and could easily send some to the hospital but, like everything else with to Diabetes, people experience symptoms differently.

  10. Your meter must be on the blink.  If you were at 591 you'd be in the hospital or darn close.  At 401 you probably wouldn't have the energy to sit up at the computer, you'd be sleeping.  Check the code on the vial of strips and make sure it matches your meter.  Use your control solution that came with the meter to make sure it's working OK.  Use a big enough drop of blood.  

  11. Seek medical attention immediately. That is extremely, extremely high. DKA is possible - which can be deadly, and more importantly prolonged high blood sugar can severely damage your body.

    You need to be gone over by a medical professional ASAP.

  12. Welcome to the world of diabetes. when my husband was diagnosed he was walking around with numbers over 700. It took over 2 months for us to get his numbers down to a normal fasting range. I recommend you visit the American Diabetes Association website, Visit the message boards and the rest of the site for very valuable information on diabetes.  

  13. First of all it sounds like you have diabetes. Unless your on some meds that can  increase your blood sugers like steroids. Second need to see you Doctor and discuss starting some medication for your illness. Because untreated diabetes can lead to heart attacks, stroke, blindness, and even death.

    Hope this helps.

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