
My blood test result!?

by  |  earlier

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am i ok? i went for a blood test.. i have thalaesemia btw..

Test Result Reference Range Units

RBC 5.79 4.5 – 6.0 x 10^12/L

HGB 140 130 – 180 g/L

PCV 0.42 0.40 – 0.52 L/L

MCV 71.6 80 – 100 fl

MCH 24.2 27.0 – 32.0 pg

MCHC 337 315 – 345 g/L

RDW 14.7 11.6 – 14.0 CV

PLT 189 140 – 400 x 10^9/L




  1. Given that your haemaglobin is good but your MCV is lower than normal you probably have a haemaglobinopathy trait ie. you are probably a thalassaemia minor.  This is of no great concern unless you are a female and you intend having a child with a partner who is also a thalasaemia minor.  In this case, there would be a 25% chance of you producing a thalassaemia major child which would have major consequences for the child.  You should have a haemaglobin electrophoresis done to establish your status.  If you are a carrier, your partner should also be offered this test.  If you are both carriers, you should have some genetic counselling before having any children.

  2. Your CBC result is fine.  The only slightly abnormal results are your MCV which indicates the size/volume of your red blood cells which are on the small side and your red blood cell distribution (RDW) - meaning you have a wider range of cell sizes but if you have thalessemia minor that would be the reason.

    Nothing to worry about.
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