
My blue-headed conure is obsessed with my son?

by  |  earlier

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She (I assume) follows him everywhere, attacking anyone who comes near him. It's driving him nuts. This just recently started about a week or so ago. She wasn't like this before. If he goes into a room with a shut door, she waits outside it for him, wiggling her head around trying to see him. She hangs out on his clothes. If there any way to deter her, break her obsession?




  1. The conure may be going thru puberty.  Ignore this behavior or show displeasure when it displays this, and it will fade.  My Hahn's follows me (and my wife) but doesn't show 'protective' behaviors around others.

  2. Well, she might have chosen him as her surrogate mate.  It is hard to break such obsessions, unless of course she assumes that your son is dead. You could get her another conure friend, but they are never guaranteed to like each other. All you can really do with out buying a new bird is have your son ignore her as much as possible, and someone else step in and give the attention.

  3. This is the authors daughter. We have other birds in the house and they are all out-of-cage birds. The bird Mija has 2 parakeets nanday conure, and an african grey for company. We don't know why she's doing this.  

  4. get her a friend (another parrot) to be obsessed with

  5. that is so cute sorry but it is anyway i would get is a cage mate or take it to the vet and get it checked out for any mental problems i hope this helps hun xoxox

  6. I've never heard of this with a bird, but maybe you can put something of his inside the cage for the bird to sit on.  Interesting question though.

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