
My boa has not been eating!?

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My boa has not been eating!I don't know why.She due to shed in about a week but her eyes haven't even turned milky blue yet.This is the third week straight that she has not eaten.




  1. if he is an older snake dont worry too much about it not eating...snakes go on hunger stirkes all the time. i had a ball python that didnt eat for almost a year...i have another one that just got off of a 6 month hunger stirke. i had a blood python that went on a hunger strike for 5 or 6 months. my adult kingsnake went on a hunger strike for about 4 months. snakes just do that. unless your snake is losing muscle mass i wouldnt worry about it too much. if your snake goes for over 6 months you might consider taking it to the vet. dont offer it food too often you will stress it out...just offer it food as normal...every 10 days or so. if your boa is used to being handles a lot go ahead and handle him normally AFTER she sheds.

    if you snake is under 6 or 7 months old and still hasnt eaten at the end of 2 or 3 months you might want to take it to the vet at that time...they may tell you to force feed it.

    good luck!

  2. some snakes fast for a while

  3. you might want to take your snake to the vet...... it might have over eaten the last time...... it depends on the size of the snake...... you need to feed a small snake a small rat every 2 days... and if it is fully grown a large rabbit once a week or once every 2 weeks

  4. make sure the humididty is perfect, same with the heat. My snakes did the same, wat we had 2 do is poke a hole in the pinkies head 2 get certain juices out that gave off a big scent. But its really important that all the lighting is PERFECT!!!!

    GOOOOOD luck with your snake, they are great pets!

  5. Did she have a big meal the last time you fed her?Have you provided her with a UV light?Have you provided her with enough water to begin the shedding process?I know during shedding they do not eat,is she warm enough to digest the last meal she did eat?You may want to take her in for a check up if you have answered all the above questions satisfactorily.

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