
My boat hasn't been started in 2 years . Should I have it looked at by a mechanic before I start it?

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It worked and ran perfectly last time I used it. It had fuel stabilizer in the tank, but I don't think I the fuel in the lines and motor where treated with it (added the stabilized after I parked the boat). I've pumped the fuel tank empty too, so I can fill it with brand new gas (at twice the price now!!).

It's a 1986 Johnson 150gt (150hp), outboard motor on a Procraft Fish & Ski.

Should I take it to get serviced or would it be ok to give it some gas and crank it? Thanks.




  1. In my opinion it would be a good idea to have a Marine Mechanic look it over. He may charge a bit but thats ok he will give you what you want. I reccomend a Johnson Dealer.

    The Sta Bil was a great idea though. Hint next year take the plugs out squirt oil back in the cylinders thru the plug holes and crank the motor over. Leave the plugs out while doing that though. Makes it easier to turn over.

  2. You could, but just do your best maintenance on it for the season's beginning. Whip out the manual and do it, but do it well. It's the difference between a great day boating and sore arms from spending all your time flagging down distant boats for a tow back to the dock ( and your friend's embarrassing comments on your Captains abilities). A service will probably be all that's needed as most motors are quite forgiving of time spent idle. Give a good flush out of the old fuel and remember that all the ethanol laced fuels have a short shelf life so fuel left unused for long periods needs to be trashed. Treat your boat like a plane and you won't be in a threatening situation.

  3. Get a mechanic to give it the once over first. Still without wanting to sound too negative I'd be surprised if the engine hasn't seized after sitting and not being run for that long a time. Outboards don't like being left like that and  not being run for too long a period of time.

  4. Don't listen to MrJones!! He sounds like an idiot that has no idea what he's talking about! The motor is probably seized this sounds stupid. Your motor will be fine. Pull plugs squirt some wd-40 in cylinder fresh gas and a good battery you should be good to go. Carbs could need cleaned. I would give it a try and see how it's running before thinking of tearing them apart.

  5. Have the motor looked at.  If there was no stabilizer in the carbs for 2 years I would clean them. Even if the motor were to start varnish could be beginning to form and cause you problems later. Also the water pump impeller could be weak due to the ends of the fins curling over or dry rotting. A little maintainance now could save you a big headache later

  6. If you left gas and 2 cycle oil in the carbs for 2 years, I doubt it will start, or at least idle. Chances are that the carbs will need to be disassembled and cleaned, and I'd install a new impeller as well.

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