
My boat will only go backwards its a 140 I/O what could be the problem?

by  |  earlier

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Good day all

I have a 140 4cyl I/O and at the end of last year I was going back to the dock when the boat just stopped on me motor was still running but it would only go backwards?

I was told its a gear that has gone does anyone know ?




  1. You probably broke the forward drive gear. You will have to take it to a shop to get it replaced.

  2. This could either be the forward gear in the gearcase or the control linkage on your boat.

    I estimate anywhere from a $200 to up to $900 depending on the level of damage of the parts in your lower unit IF this is just the forward gear or a problem dealing with just the lower unit.

    If you have not hit anything with your lower unit or prop, and careful not to change gears at significant speeds (more than 3 to 5 mph) from forward to reverse or vice versa.  Then I'd probably say your looking at $300 to $500 dollars total in repair costs.

  3. Have some 1 that knows your unit it could be a cable issue or adjustment>

  4. Check the condition of the prop hub before anything.  If it's old school rubber hub, have it checked by a prop shop or a tech.  If it is the newer flo torq design, remove the prop, knock out the hub, and have a look.  Damage will be apparent

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