
My body fat is 28.2...Please Help!?

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I work out 5-6 days a week. I do cardio for about 45 mins to an hour and lift weights 3-4 days a week. I eat pretty healthy, every 3 hrs to keep up my metabolism. I just recently lost about 20 pounds as well. Why is my body fat still high? and how can i make it go down to at least 20-18%? I don't feel like my body fat is that high. I feel healthy and I'm actually loving my body now.

If u have any good advice I would really appreciate it.





  1. I am guessing you did not have your bodyfat professionally measured. If you used the internet, one of those scales or even did your own caliper testing, it is likely that measurement is innaccurate. Even if it is accurate, without knowing your starting point there is no way to evaluate your progress or recommend training changes.

  2. Is that your body fat percentage or your BMI.  If you use the calipers or one of those height/weight charts, throw that number out the window and just go on how you look and feel (which, given what you've said, sounds great).  If you went to some kind of center and did a buoyancy test to get your body fat percentage, then yes, you are a bit of a chunker.  And if you are telling the truth about your routine, it doesn't make any sense and you should probably talk to a doctor/nutritionist to find out if there is something wrong or if you can do anything to improve your body.  I didn't check but if you are a woman, its going to be higher, and unless you decide that b***s are for unhealthy people and get a voluntary mastectomy (and a ticket to crazy town while you are out) you will always just have a higher body fat percentage.

    Honestly, its all about how you look and feel.  Numbers don't mean **** if you fell sick all the time, look like John Goodman or live a life you don't want to live.  From what you've said there is no reason to change a thing if you are happy.

  3. Depending on how you're testing your body fat, their is a lot of error in most standarded do-it-yourself tests. Your workout routine and eating schedule sound great and I think if you keep it up you'll get it there.

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