
My body is acting strange all of a sudden...?

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Hi im using my older sisters account - well I have noticed that my periods are suddenly irregular and I have really bad stomach aches during my period now. Also I am sweating much more than normal espicially on my face. I am tired all the time even if i get more than enough sleep and I am geting sick more often. Recently I have gained more than 20 pounds for no particular reason! What could be wrong? My mum says it might be hormones acting up and that my doctor will probably put me on the pill.




  1. Almost the same thing happend to me, expect I wasn't sweating as much as you describe, but I have recently changed my eating habbits, and that can cause your body to basically freak out, and hormones go crazy. As for the bad stomach aches with getting your period many girls get those, espically bad cramps. Just keep track of your period and if it keeps coming irregular consult with you doctor, and they may suggest going on birth control to regualte your period.  

  2. don't be worried. shes probably right about your hormones. i do that too. it lasted for a couple months but after a while the weird symptoms go away.

  3. your mom is right, it is the hormones. Some people's hormones just have a bigger effect on them than others so dont worry about it. It will most likely be ok after you go on the pill which will help stablize your hormones.  However, it's not too good for you body (the pill) so after your hormones stablize for sure, get off it.

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