
My bonsai tree with little red fruit is dying! How do I save it?

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I water it everyday and try to give it enough water to keep the soil wet. I left i 2 weekends in a row, the first time it got no water because nobody was home and the next weekend I asked someone to water it, but I think she forgot. Is there any way I can bring it to life?? It's still somewhat green, but i's turning dark, and some leaves have turned brown and fallen off. It's MUCH less green then when I first got it. I'm not sure of the type of bonsai, but it has circular leaves and little red fruit. Looks like a Natal Plum Bonsai Tree?? The woman who sold it to me said to spray the leaves with water and keep the soil moist, which is what I've attempted to do.




  1. ok what ever is left of it, plant again! i no it might seem stupid but that happened 2 me a few times and i re-planted it and it grew amazingly!! try it! sometimes though it doesnt work! so if it doesnt work.....sorry!

  2. You might be overwatering. You might loose some leaves from its dry spell but try watering it only to keep the soil moist, not wet! Perhaps every other day. Give it bright indirect light.

  3. I wouldn't want to sit with my feet soaking in buckets of water all day and neither does your plant. It's overwatered. Mist it to maintain humidity.

    Refer to this site for further care instructions.

  4. you should trim the leaves and pour more water on it

  5. have you tryed some fertilizer? or nuteraints in the water instead of just normal h20?

  6. If it's a Natal Plum tree, it's one of the tougher ones, so having it turn like this is really something.

    The soil needs to be kept evenly moist but not soggy. Allow the top 1/2" to dry between waterings.  In warmer weather, it may need to be watered daily.  You've already had this happen, but you should never allow the soil to dry out completely.  If it does happen, you should  immerse the entire pot in water for five minutes or until the soil is thoroughly wet.

    *****Do not use water from a water softener.*****

    It should be fertilized every six weeks between spring and mid-summer, using regular houseplant food, but at half strength.

    Hope it works out.  Is there a greenhouse or flower shop you can contact locally that can maybe help you out with more info?

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