
My b***s arent growing.. im 16?

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ok so i started to get a teeny tiny bit a of b***s in the 4th grade i started my period in the 6th grade. Im 150 lbs and 5'11 and umm im frickin 16 and i cant even fit into an A im too embarrssed to go to a doctor about it im too embarrassed to even tell my mom. i padd my bra into a b cup and its soo embarrassing cuz come swimsuit season im screwed. some one plz tell me whats wrong with me




  1. There is nothing wrong with you.

    Some women are just naturally small breasted;.  It isn't a bad thing- you can easily go bra-less and don't need to search for a suportive sports bra.  Most models are small breasted, don't be embrassed!

  2. Tell your mom she will understand there could be something wrong with you you need to see a doctor if you are really worried. I hope this helps

  3. if i were you i would slowly stop padding your bra. like if you're putting tissues in it or whatever put like one less in one day, and then keep it at the same amount for a week or two and then people probably won't notice as much. you'll be seriously embarrassed when you have to wear a bathing suit and suddenly have nothing there :///

  4. There is nothing wrong with you. People can be small, large or in between. Don't be embarrassed talk to your mom and doctor. They can give better advice than we can.  

  5. i would tell you that it's more important to get used to what mother nature gives you. flaunt what you DO have! a pretty face? flaunt that! a nice booty, flaunt it! maybe your personality kicks ***, show it off! the people that matter, will focus on your good traits anyway. some girls would kill to not even have to wear a bra! some complain that it messes up their back and really really hurts. basically, no one is ever fully happy with what they've got. either way, you've still got time babe. imagine how awesome it'd be if you distracted yourself from this part of your body, you'd be happier and then when they did come (cuz trust me, you've got time) and then when they do come, it'll just be a bonus!

    but if you're worried about what you'll do when it's time to wear a bikini, there's different types out there! you don't have to wear a tiny lil string like thing where alot of cleavage and the whole nine yards is expected! just get one that is a little more concervative and you can go all out on your bottom piece.

    also, i'm not sure how open you are with your mom. but i had the same problem and i casually asked my mom one day when SHE started developing more, and when she told me, i got less freaked out and just waited for that age to come around. moms and daughters are usually similar.

    good luck hunnie.

    enjoy your youth right now! stress off your body when you're like 75


  6. OK i know it so doesn't help when i say this but YOU WILL EVENTUALLY GET b***s! Everyone is just different!!!!!! they will come eventually  don't worry and: drink ALOT of milk and eat an apple or 2 a day, no joke it works!!!!!!!!!

  7. It doesn't sound like anything is wrong with you. You might just be a slow developer or sometimes people's b***s are just small and that's how nature intended them to be. I would think that it's just your age though and that you'll have a growth spurt soon. Hang in there!

  8. You might have a problem, look at your mother and if she has small breast than  you might get small breast too. if your only sixteen you still got sometime to grow, dont worry about it mother nature can be stuborn sometimes so dont  worry about it,she moves on her own time.   April  

  9.   There are a couple possibilities... one being that you had one growth spurt and will soon start another. but then there is the possibility that you are done growing, but not very likely. Some people who get b***s early don't grow very big, but only sometimes. don't worry.

      btw, get a swimsuit with ruffles on it... it hides things.:)

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