
My booyfriend has a killer toothache problem and cant get him to the dentist.

by  |  earlier

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Im really worried about him and really think he should go see a dentist, but he has no insurance and definetely cant afford it. His throbbing toothache has become so unbearable that even oragel, 4 advils, and an icepack wont make the pain go away and now his ear is starting to hurt and I think its because of the pain. What should i or he do and how can I convince him to go to the dentist? I keep thinking it might be a rotting nerve but he thinks his wisdom teeth are coming in...either way I think he should go. What do you think?




  1. B A R F ! Send his *** to a clinic! You only get one set of teeth, you need to take care of them!

  2. Some counties have dental clinics. Some regions have a charitable organization which run such clinics for people without insurance. Look into it...even if you have to drive into the next county. Call your local health department to find out what's near you.  

  3. He has to go to the dentist! Many dentists have payment plans or options for people who don't have insurance or much money. I should know--I just got a root canal and am paying for it! Also, see if there are any dental schools in your area. I had a wisdom tooth out for under $100 at a dental university, and the care was as good as any dentist!

    The problem is that he might have an infection. If he lets it go, it can become an abcess. This is SERIOUS, as it can spread and get him really sick. Tell him this! He needs to go and get some antibiotics as well as have the tooth fixed!

  4. Yeah, check into your local "free clinic" - They should have a dentist.  You could probably even whip out your phonebook right now and call them and I bet they'd have a message telling you when the dentist is scheduled to come in next and what the procedure would be to make an appointment.

    Do it right away... if the Oragel isn't helping, his tooth must be hurting him like he|| and probably won't go away until he does something about it.

  5. Probably has an infection and probably also needs a root canal.  Of course knowing that will only keep him away.  If he doesn't treat the infection it won't get better - it'll get worse.  The longer he lets it go the more likely he is to need oral surgery. A few antibiotics are a lot cheaper than a surgeon!

    Oh yeah and if the infection abcesses - he could die!  Seriously, before antibiotics they used to extract teeth to prevent DEATH!

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