
My boss always loses her coffee cup is there anything you know of that I can buy to help her?

by  |  earlier

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She always missplaces it, does anyone know of any cutsie thing I can buy to help her




  1. 1) a BIG coffee cup that wil be almost impossable to lose.

    2) a personalized one that reads "If found please return to X"

  2. Try to find the most colorful design on a mug.  It will stand out from "miles" away.  Also consider looking for the ugliest mug - no one else will want it so it will always be where she left it.  Or just get her one with her first and last name on it.

  3. ya! chain it to her :-D

  4. a big bright one that is hard to lose, or one with her name on it

  5. A really pretty or humorous portable cup, something unique!! She may not misplace it!! Get one from a gift store!!

  6. why dont u present her dozens of disposable plastic cups?

  7. Your boss would find it help full if you strap a coffee machine on your back .Choose a light weight one as they can get heavy .For home use with my wife i use a intravenous  drip saves keep going too the kitchen every 40 minutes .

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