
My boss farted in my face?

by  |  earlier

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my boss was angry at me and i was sitting at my desk and he was standing up yelling at me, i said "look im doing the best i can" then he turned around and kind of stuck his butt in my face and let out a massive f**t. I was stunned so i didnt say anything and he walked out and muttered that i have to "lift my game" what should i say or do about this? How would you have reacted?




  1. When you see him again smash a rock against his head and tie him to a chair, then have a fat guy who just had bad Mexican Food f**t in his face until he gives you a raise

  2. Omg!  Are you serious?

    I would be offended and disgusted at his blatant lack of respect for his employees - he sounds like a complete a**ehole.  

    Report him to senior management, and find another job.

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