
My boss has a bad impression of me. Should I quit?

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I am a charge nurse working in a busy hospital environment where our staffing has been cut to point that our patients often go 3 days without baths, their vital signs are taken late or skipped, they often get their medications late. Almost daily, one or more nurses are in tears because they are so overwhelmed in their work. When I took these concerns to our unit supervisor she raised her voice at me and told me that I had a negative attitude and that if I was unhappy in my job maybe I should consider this line of work is not for me. First of all I was shocked because I am known as trying to huddle the gang together and cheer them on trying the best I can to motivate staff. This unit manager stays behind closed doors most of the time and doesn't see the job I do or the measures I gone to in order to try to make improvements in patient care and nurse satisfaction. Frankly, I was so upset, I was in tears because I couldn't believe my immediate supervisor has such a poor opinion of me! There have been few incidents in which I've had to report floor problems to her and I feel like my character has been maligned. Should I consider moving on or tough it out for the sake of the staff nurses and the patients? I'm worried if I can't turn my supervisors opinion around that I may ruin my nursing career in this job.




  1. I realize that you are in between a rock and a hard place at work. Thankfully, you try to do a good job and I'm sure your co-workers appreciate you.

    In your profession, you have many options to go to another facility and perhaps you should brush up your resume. That will help you to feel like you still have control over your career.

    Although your boss obviously handled this poorly, I wonder if she is feeling pressured herself due to the state of the facility. She may be dealing with outside sources that you are unaware of. Her own boss may be coming down on her pretty hard. Either way, she shouldn't have handled your concern as she did. It wasn't pro-active at all.

    Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about her opinion of you. If your patients and co-workers think you do a good job, you probably do. Some bosses can't be pleased regardless of what you do.

  2. It's a tough question because on one hand you can just start looking for a new job where people respect you as a nurse and a hardworking person, or stay here for the sake of patients.

    From what you said seems like the sup is unfair to you, it's not your fault you guys are under stuffed (you can't do 3 jobs at once), all you did expressed concern about the patients. I don't think you're unhappy, I was under the impression you're care too much about the people you work with and the patients. I think your sup didn't know what to say to you, so she turned attention to you pretending something is wrong with you. What a bad management.

    I think if you care about your career you need to look for a better hospital  with better management.

    She shouldn't raise her voice at you.

    She shouldn't blame you in anything.

    Don't argue with them just leave nicely.

  3. There are probably places out there that would love a conscientious nurse. I think you are working for a sub-par hospital with sub-par supervisors. Nursing is a tough career, but if you are feeling tearful and not happy with the level of care - just move on asap and find a supportive environment. In the meantime you can check out

    Best wishes to you.  

  4. Luckily your field is in as much demand as any and i wouldn't let them steam roll me or push me any further.

    In fact I would threaten taking the unsafe and poor conditions to the highest level, the news, if they don't get appropriate staffing and support.

    Keep your resume sharp and send it around.  You will be hired before you ever step a foot out the door to go hunting.

    I have been of the opinion to stick it out and stay the course but if your situation is that bad with no promise of getting better, it probably won't.

    Make sure you have a job landed before you push your weight around but good luck.

  5. You should address your supervisor and I don't believe you ruin your nursing career.. that is horrible what is going on at that hospital.. people get not washed.. they get their medication late.. they don't get the medical treatment they should because you are obviously understaffed so I believe you should talk to your mananger or supervisor and also tell him what this unit manager said.. she doesn't seem to care that everybody is overworked and the patients.. should have priority.. They should come in the first place.. before all else and if you are understaffed and they have to suffer because of that and the staff is overworked  then I have the feeling if you talk to the supervisor.. just stay factual.. stick to what she said and what happens on a daily basis.. I feel if you do that you act responsible and you act professional and you need to do it.. for the sake of the patients and I got a feeling that this unit manager may lose her job if she lets it happen that patients get neglected.. she is not doing her job and someone has to speak up for the sick patients.. so I believe it's not only your right but also your responsibility.. and will make you a better nurse.. a nurse who cares about the  do need to tell as this is not just a matter between you and her.. this affects all the ill people on that ward...  so the responsible thing to do is to tell a higher staff member...x*x

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