
My boss is a very religious man.....?

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( true story )

Yesterday he asked me how religious am I. I said on a scale from 1-10...I said zero. He said how can you be so happy without god in your life. I said I just live my life because this is all you get. He on the other hand is married 3 years and he's miserable. He comes to work sad all the time. I told him, if you actually stopped living your life around a book, you might find that happiness comes within yourself. Opinions?




  1. Dear Donna

    I think his wife made him so..not the book.

    religion has nothing to do with has to do with morals.

    many atheists live a very happy immoral life..while other believers do not...maybe he doesn't want to cheat his wife because his morals do no allow him.

    theoretical dogma might be mind blocking...but believing in God might be life saving sometimes.

    good luck  

  2. have he experience, personally, Holy Spirit's touching in his life ? or does he only live according to the bible (baptized in water) but never been baptized in spirit (when the Holy spirit comes and keep filling your live) ?

    Probably you can ask him that.

    Although you're not a christian, but I'm sure you can encourage him to grow stronger in the God he believed in.

    God bless :D

  3. It obvious your boss needs more help than that.  But be careful about what you say to sick people like your boss they like to take revenge and you may need to find another job.  If you understand what i mean.

    Good luck,

    no charge.

  4. Doesnt it make you laugh how people with faith automatically asssume that if you dont have god in your life then you are unhappy?

  5. I am happy because of the relationship that I have with my God. And I wouldn't be happy without it. But just because one has a relationship with God, doesn't mean they are going to be happy all the time. And just because one doesn't have a relationship, doesn't mean they will be miserable all the time.

  6. i agree ! everyone has their beliefs :) and dont need a god to be happy. alot of religious people arent happy so they turn to god for "hope" .  

  7. I think some people are just naturally searchers, some are naturally content. Religion isn't for everyone, it isn't an all purpose solution or even an all purpose problem.

    He'd still be just as unhappy and divorced if he wasn't religious, it's a symptom not a cause.

  8. from his angle..... having that book, and the faith, helps him to face the harshness of his miserable life...

    my question would be, if he gave up belief, would that make his marriage or his attitude better?

  9. i personally think he doesn't read the bible for himself and there for takes anothers interpretation about it so he misses the true meaning as so many do and there for doesn't receive the blessing and the peace associated with God's true word

    of course i could be wrong

    but i also believe that if many "atheists" knew the truth about the bible and God's word they would not be able to find 1 single discrepancy in it and would then say it makes perfect sense and would no longer be atheists

    but it is just my opinion

  10. Donna - how often are we asked how we can possibly be happy without God in our life? right here on this forum.

    I think you gave him a reality check - way to go girl...that isn't always easy

  11. He's going to fire you. lol.

    I used to work at a company who's owner was a really freaked out Catholic (that's a Christian). He was obsessed with this crying virgin mary statue thing I think in Brooklyn. He had cases and cases of this very low budget but very thick book about "sightings" of god. The photos were obviously just flashlights and candles photographed with a slow shutter. The dude was nuts.

    He would ask me "Are you a god fearing man, R?"

    Back then I felt okay lying to him so I said yes, it was almost a Prue to have to be a Christian to work for his company.


    He always walked around pushing christ with this huge joker smile on his face but when no one was around he was a miserable man. He would lash out at his family members, pound his fist on tables and demand things go his way, and worst of all after smiling at you and shaking your hand he'd turn around and order you "removed". I still don't understand why he continues the way he's going if he is so miserable. Maybe he feels that there will be redemption after he dies? He does no good deeds- very wasteful and gluttonous.

    I don't know why but to cross him or his beliefs meant termination.  

  12. hahhaha he lives a life around a book thats why he is a BOSS and you dont belive in GOD, thats why u r still worker.

    master is bigger than servant - bible says

  13. Donna,

    I am glad that you are happy.  I am a Christian and I am also very happy.  I have a wonderful wife who I married 33 years ago.  We became Christians about twenty years ago together.  I am as faithful to her as I am to GOD and I believe that my faith has been a good thing for me and for my family.  I do not live my life around a book, I live it according to what my FATHER has told me is right in HIS EYES though.  I care a great deal for you and a number of others who are non-Christians but I do not attempt to push you in any way to change your beliefs.  Why do you attempt to push Christians to change theirs??  Have a great weekend.





  14. Christian people are not perfect. We have headaches and heartaches too....we are human beings. The book you're referring to is supposed to be the instruction of life. If you buy a bedroom set, there's also going to be instructions that come with it and you use those set of instructions to put the bed together. The Bible is an instruction book we follow to live our lives to the will of God. I do live by this book and I'm very happy in my life.  

  15. You don't know if his unhappiness in his home stems from the fact that he is religious. You only ASSUME that because you know he is religious. I for one wouldn't ask you because it is clear that you would be bias in your response.  What would you say if he wasn't religious.

    Like many atheists have said before being happy or not is determined by whether or not you believe in God or not.  

    Also if I knew you were an atheist I wouldn't talk to you period about my personal life.  Everything would be like:

    "Well you would know how to tie your shoes if didn't live your life around a book"

    "That red light wouldn't be so long if you didn't live your life around a book"

    "You wouldn't think of me as a jerk if you didn't live your life around a book"

    blah blah blah.

  16. I see that you might have misinterpreted his being sober into "sadness".

  17. "I told him, if you actually stopped living your life around a book, you might find that happiness comes within yourself. Opinions?"

    Ouch. Don't get to close to your boss. He could be one of those nutty people who fires others that don't agree with him.  

  18. You might have given him something to think about. I think it was a good move, not too pushy or anything.

  19. Agreed but most people who do be live in God do not want to break the perfect christian family cycle to actually have fun for themselves, i think he is just scared to do anything else that's not approved of in his religious communities eyes. IDK just my take on it.

  20. I love you.

    You really fixed his wagon, BAM reality smackdown !!

    hey zombie kitten is beating me in the thumbs down war!

  21. Faith is key word. Leave us alone, and we'll leave you alone. I'm sick of arguing when I shouldn't. Arguing doesn't bring people to Christ. Only love, mercy, compassion, and the grace of God will. You've heard the word of God already. If you do not want to believe, then let it be. You do not need to bash or debunk. What does that bring you in life? Does it make you a better person? No. Good day to you, and just leave him alone. If he is having trouble with his faith, then he doesn't need you troubling him anymore.

  22. Donna,

         Happiness and unhappiness have little to do with belief in God or not. What you decide to focus on is usually what brings happiness. Besides, some poeple have bad marriages, or chemical imbalances, etc.

         Kudos for seeing that happiness comes from within. Dodos for answering that you are happy "because this is all you get."  

    "This is all you get" is no reason for happiness.

    Of course, I think what you really meant to say is that, "You have life. Live it. "

    P. S.  What happened to our Email debate? I sent a long email about the transendence of DNA information and that information had to have come from intelligence, and you never replied.

  23. Anecdotally, I find that my Christian friends suffer far more from depression, anger, marital unhappiness, alcoholism and work dissatisfaction than my atheist friends. I think that religion attempts to offer so much more than it can possibly deliver that it comes inextricably tied up with disappointment. Atheism, by offering very little apart from what one adds to their own life, can only be positive.

    A Christian I knew at university, one who seemed happy enough for the most part, once told me that if he wasn't Christian, he'd commit suicide. I thought that was immensely tragic and hope that it isn't a general rule about Christians.

    People are free to believe what they like, but I feel sorry for anyone so stuck with their beliefs that they cannot move towards a kind of contentedness that falls outside their rulebook.

  24. Or, maybe he could stop living his life around a book and start living it for the God in the book.  If he asked you how "religious" you are, that's a sure sign of something...

  25. He asked first and deserved what he got. I have a religious boss (says he is, at least) who pukes in the garbage can in his office at least once a week after his nightly suitcase of Miller Lite.

    I love his excuse. "Society makes me drink." In the next hour, he's going on about how we are a Christian nation. As people in my workplace learned I am an atheist, they were so shocked: "But you're so friendly and cheerful." Yep. Atheism has that effect.

    Hartley, I wish Christians would be honest and add to their "We're not perfect" with the factual "But we are full of excuses."

  26. I don't agree. It's not living your life around a book, it's not understanding that God is all that matters. Some religious people do all the "right" things but have no love. As St. Paul said, without love it is nothing. This is love for God. Just going through the motions of Church, prayer, etc. is useless without love and understanding of God.

    A person who follows Christ, who gives themselves completely to him, will find true happiness that surpasses any worldly happiness a person can have.  

  27. thats well kl

    just let him live happily in life!!!!

  28. You did him a favor, even at the possible loss of your job. But you probably opened up a whole new world for him rather than the stultifying world of superstition. Congratulations

  29. I think you gave that man a nice hot slice of Wisdom Pie.

  30. I agree with you...its prob what i would have done and maybe now he will realize that god doesnt really need to make you happy that its you that choses your path in life annd not some book

  31. you can only replace one system with better one without internal turmoil. if you throwaway your system without a replacement ready you wil be far worse off flailing in a vacuum of thought rebulding everything you belive form scratch.

    a slow turnaround is far less traumatic. If he is already sad, without "god" he could be in real take it easy on the guy .. the last thing you need is to be the messenger a loose cannon with increased misery and a sway over your life ( messengers get shot)  

    "god" is good and "god" is right to him "god's" words make sense: thus generating a morality in him , Turn him on to philosophy and metaphysics it is good it is right and it makes sense and it actually generates a higher,more inclusive, moraily than religion can.  

    if you want the good raise potentially available - slowly slowly catchy monkey.

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