
My boss is being a bully- overstepping her bounds?

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I work at a chain loan offices where a huge part of our job is to also collect on delinquent loans. I am the office manager, and I supervise one employee. We get semi annual bonuses for our collections efforts. The manager, because of stature, seniority and responsibility for teh office typically gets more and it's up to them to divide teh bonus as tehy choose. Well, tehre is a new Regional Manager in our company & she isnt very hands on with stores, but comes around to "check" up from time to time & to audit us.

She told me today that I should give my co worker, the CSR more than the usual 20% of our stores bonus. I felt this was unfair, because it's been up to the store manager to always decide. I thought about it, & came to 25%- right when she called me AFTER she agreed to let me think about it & is basically forcing me to give this girl 30%. I truly feel as though she just "likes" the CSR over me, & is trying to cater to her. I'm thinking of calling the owner, what would you do




  1. She is the boss.  Unfortunately, if you whistle blow on her, then you will ultimately be out of a job.  I know there are things that you don't like being a subbordinate but you just have to put up with it.  She's in the position for a reason whether it's work ethic, education, promoation from being w/ the company for so long so she probably has put her dues in to make decisions whether the are for the best for the company or not.  Remember, she has a suporvisor that oversees her work and this will probably be reviewed.  

    I would not call the owner.  The owner would probably think you are just a problem causer.  If I were you, I would do everything to take her position.  The business world is that best game ever play.

  2. 30% more! that's a whooooole lot! yeah you should def. go in and take to the owner.

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