
My boss is constantly nitpicking over every little thing I do?

by  |  earlier

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What can I do? It's driving me batty




  1. Your boss is a micro manager.  He/she is probably the same to everyone.  Micro managers are poor managers, and usually have  been promoted above their potential.  Ask yourself, how long will this person be your boss, (you may have to just live this out).  You can go to HR and ask for a transfer, BUT be professional, courteous, and do it in a way where you want to enhance your career.  

  2. When someone is pushing to the limit and you are doing your very best, you need to ask yourself two questions. Am I really any good at this job (be honest)? and are they trying to challenge me for my own good? If either of those answers is yes, then stick with it. Saying that though, if you answered yes to the first question and no to the second, you need to make a stand. Challenging you boss, straight on is a brave move, but always unexpected by a bully. Put them on the spot and ask, why he/she treats you like they do. Be respectful, but appreciate that even as the lowest paid person in a company, you have rights.Explain that their approach to you does not encourage better results and that praise and positive criticism works better than negative comments. If their behavior does not change let them know that Human Resources is your next step, as I imagine your boss has more to lose by this than you. I'm sorry for your position, but you need to make a change, as this will only affect your quality and enjoyment of work more in the long run.

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