
My boss is trying to bully me in work, legally what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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i am told i am making mistake when printing duplicate statements, i double check my work twice, then i am told pages are missing even though i have double checked them twice. My boss is trying to build a case for disciplinary by saying i'm making mistakes in these areas of work when i am not




  1. He or she can bully you and you can not do anything about it unless he or she is physically or sexually harrassing you.  Welcome to the world of work!

  2. Quit, start looking for another job and also see if you are working for a at will employer and just walk out if you can. After you quit i would meet him off the property and bully him back and get all your frustration out on him that way and tell him if he does any thing about it you will only be in jail for one night at the most and you know where he lives. Ok i wouldn't do that i would just start looking for a new job and quit.

  3. go to ur bosses suppervisor and complain.

  4. pull the race card

  5. Yes he is building a case to fire you. Either find a new job or clean up your act. Sometimes double checking your work does not find the mistake. You have someone else to it or walk away and come back to it after a few minutes.

  6. Make copies! Document that you are doing your job. Copy anything in writing the boss may have sent you, like nasty e-mails, to document your case.

    Don't use these unless you absolutely have to (like in court). Just document the abuse in case you need it.  Also, have others check your work before you turn it in.  This way, others will be able to corroborate that you indeed have done your work properly.  If you are wrongfully terminated for something you did not do, you will have the proof you need that you were thus harassed and fired for no good reason.  If you have a union, you might show it your proofs of intimidation to union officials.  

  7. depends where you work - is his boss accessible? or does he have a peer that you might discuss this with? or someone from HR?

  8. well if he is phsically like bulying u like hitting or any pshical contact, then u can press charges. if he looking at u in a sexually way or a way that offenses u can sue him. but if hes just yelling at u, then u really cant do anything. u cant talk to the board of ur work and tell them wats going on, and they can do something. but technilly, if hes yelling at u and sutff, hes kinda doing his job

  9. My answer is to document it every time something happens.  Time, date, what happened, who was involed.  You may end up being able to sue for discrimination.  In any event document it.  Are you union, see you union stewart.  If you not,  check around and see if there are others who are in the same situation with this boss an have them document things also.

    I would also talk to an attoney.  Not all work places are bad, but the ones that are need to be cleaned up.  I say this as a retired CEO.

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