
My boss wants me to work during the school days?

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i cant do that, i am way too busy, i dont have time, and iam exhausted by the end of the day.

I usually dont get home from school until 5, i start at 8.

i have to work out for at least an hour too, so thats till 6, then i have alot of other sh*t to do too, i am starting an internship, and i have SATs and PSATs. If i work he wants me to work till 9, then i would barely have time to my hw...

i barely have time to hang out with my friends as it is, how can i handle that?

I told him i cant, and he says he doesnt care, i said i could during the interview but that was before school started and i realized how stressful it is, things change.

I cant quit the do i get him to change his mind?

o yea and we are short on staff, 5 ppl quit in the last 2 weeks.




  1. shool comes first and plus that's not what you want in life as a career right? Your manager should hire more ppl and especially ppl who can work full-time. arrange something were you can work only during the weekends. if he says no then quit and look for something else. Believe me ur not alone on this one many ppl like me are multi-tasking with school and work....also the doing extra activity like working out or boxing like me.  

  2. I had a job in college that started at 4am and ended at 1pm.  I was dying.  I would trudge to school and barely stay awake through class, then try to study and do my homework in the evening before falling asleep - sometimes at my desk.  It was a losing battle and eventually I had to find a new job because I could barely function.  I also got into car accidents and got speeding tickets because I was so tired and stressed.  It was not a good way to live.

    Your first priority is school, and if you can't do well there then 5 years from now it won't matter that you had this job or not.  I suggest finding another job, then giving your current employer 2 weeks' notice (he may just want you to leave on the spot, so be prepared for that).

    When you do tell him, apologize and acknowledge that you talked about this during the interview, but explain that your schoolwork is slipping terribly and you're very sorry but it is becoming very obvious that you can't keep working during the weekdays.  Offer to work two weeks or as long as he needs to cover you because you want to be fair, but you are also not going to be able to be a good employee if you're exhausted and unable to function.  If it is possible, maybe you can compromise and offer to work 1 day a week during the weekdays because you want to be a team player.

    If he's still angry, there's nothing you can do.  You were polite and honest, and now it's time to get a job that works with your schedule.

    Good luck!

  3. burning the candle on both ends leads to burnout and stress. You need to tell him that although you did say you would during th einterview it has turned into a real hardship and school takes precedence over everything else. see if you can work out a weekend schedule or something if possible but I would suggest you give him notice.

    Good luck to you.

    Find time to unwind.

  4. School comes 1st. Your boss obviously is a troll, otherwise why would 5 people quit? Keep in mind the 'I don't care' attitude your boss has. School will get you to a point where after you graduate you will be this person's boss. There have to be other jobs out there where you're at. Tell your boss that you need your scheduling demands respected or you will walk. Start looking for another gig with the spare 4-5 minutes you have in your day.

    I sympathize with you, I worked full time, went to school part time, and did this while being husband and father.

    Keep in mind that your schooling will put you ahead for the rest of your life. This job helps buy underwear and burgers today and will take you nowhere. I can't tell you how many job opportunities I lost out on due to my not having finished college, even with a solid resume.

    Don't pass up the opportunity to graduate, it will have an impact on the rest of your life.

    Good luck  

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