
My bottom lip has gone numb. I woke up this way this morning. Anybody know why this would happen?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe I just bit it in my sleep, but it's now late in the afternoon, and it's still numb. I am worried I had some type of stroke. Anyone?




  1. I think you should go to a doctor asap. It could be a minor stroke, not all symptoms of a stroke are very drastic. If you get to a dr within three days, the effects of a stroke can be reversed completely. I would definitely see a doctor soonest, just in case.

  2. Hey there,

    I don't think it's a stroke - if it were it's probable that half of your face might be numb. Do you have pets? A few years ago my moms dog had fleas and when I'd visit I'd get a fat numb lip. It took a while to figure out that it was from a flea bite. It usually lasted 24 hours.

    And it's possible you bit it in your sleep.

    Any other symptoms, or marks on your lip?

    Give it another day, and igf doesn't go away, then I might see my primary care doctor.

    Good luck!

  3. its worth getting checked i had a friend who woke with a numb cheek and it turned out it was bells palsy, best to get it checked

  4. I'm pretty sure it's not bells palsy - that's when like in one side of your face all the muscles mess up :\

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