
My boxing coach always makes jokes any idea on what they mean?

by Guest32090  |  earlier

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Every class we spar and every now and then like once on a blue moon i miss breakfast and do sparing poorly and he always says you havent been havent been sleepin around now have you of course i sleep i have no idea what he means but my dad and everyone else laughs im 13 any idea ?? on the joke




  1. I believe he is talking about having s*x. s*x drains a fighters energy and they usually feel it in the legs first. Most fighters do perform poorly after this activity, they appear weak, tired or drained so don't do it! (ha ha) even by yourself it has the same effect.

    I have my pro fighters stop this about 3 to 4 weeks before a fight for my younger 4, 6 & 8 round guys & up to 2 months for my older 10 & 12 round fighters.

    But seriously even if you miss breakfast or even if you have breakfast in the morning, you should eat something 1 hour before going to the gym. Trust me on this, GOOD LUCK & WORK HARD!!!

  2. Sleeping around refers to having multiple sexual partners.  

    Its an old wifes tale in boxing that you arent suppose to have sexual relations during training for a fight because it will hurt you're performance in the ring.

    Its funny because you are 13 and obviously are taking part in this behvaior ^.^

  3. hes just ribbing you

  4. he's talking about having s*x. a fighter is supposed to abstain from s*x for some time before fighting. kinda weird he'd make that joke about someone your age. Is your trainer a former fighter that might have gotten hit a few too many times?

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