
My boy friend has a seriuse oversleeping problem, he is pilot in air force and he start his work at 4 am-4pm?

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and when he came home he sleep all day till tomarrow. i want to know you think is normal cause he tell me im tired and he use penadol and coffee to much




  1. Uh no he's not over sleeping. if he's working 12 hour shifts the most he could sleep is 12 hours and he's not becuase he's not falling asleep right at 4pm and not waking up at 4am. He's probably going to bed like around 6 and waking up around 3am.... that's not over sleeping dear... that you exaggerating because you want to see him more. That's the life in the military... you see very little of your husband or bf for a while. then when there is no work.. you see him a lot.. be glad he's not on Mids... you'd never see  him

  2. If by Penadol you mean Panadol, he better NOT be flying!!! That's a pain killer, and probably makes him DNIF.  If's he's taking it on the side, and flying, he's flat out wrong.  

  3. You seriusely need to learn how to spell.

  4. The offshore oil industry operates on 12 hour shifts.  Most people take time for movies, computer, exercise or reading and get 6 to 8 hours of sleep.  This is 247 for 4 to 6 weeks. I think he might just be a 'Sack Rat'.

    I also agree with Bit Pilsman, I did 11 1/2 years in Military Aviation and I've never know of Pilot or Crew working hours like you describe.  Even Mechanics, technicians and other specialists worked 8 hour shifts.  12 hour shifts was generally security.  Crash Crew might pull 24 hours.  You might be being played.  

  5. its his problem, let him figure it out -- as any person would if they cared

  6. hi

  7. He's a pilot huh? Ever see him fly? I don't can think so, pilot's don't work those hours.

  8. i used to work 12 hour shifts and with driving time and everything i was always exhausted and it took me a whole day of sleeping on my days off to get me back to normal for the rest of my weekend. so yeah it is normal on those type of shifts.

  9. Don't keep him up too late.

  10. sounds normal...who wouldn't want ot caatch up on the sleep when home

  11. Call me stupid, but what is a 'seriuse'  ?

  12. It is normal.  I work those shifts frequently and sleep lots too.  Especially as a pilot, a lot of his work is mentally and physically stressful.  He needs even more time to recover.  I don't use coffee or penadol (whatever that is), so he may need even more to recover from the side-effects of these drugs.

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